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Sherlock Holmes

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Everything posted by Sherlock Holmes

  1. Look at that touch! Pure arm arrogance Year 1 Josh would've brought out the bazooka and everybody would've been needing medical attention
  2. Heck, I'd throw in Butler, and even Star if they asked all politely... I wonder where he was in that Giants pile
  3. I'd really love to smell McCaffery's hair right now and I bet McBeane would as well
  4. Wow, McCaffrey didn't run over to check on him immediately...what a cancer! They need to release him immediately
  5. Yes, but also keep Diggs... Trade somebody else for Kupp
  6. I would kill myself if I had to watch Sherbert play for the Fish
  7. And people actually thought there were fans/teammates who didn't want him on the team Maybe some posters on here but not in real life.
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