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Sherlock Holmes

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Everything posted by Sherlock Holmes

  1. I do, I do!!! Make sure it has authentic Fitz beard hair please
  2. Lawrence is future 1st ballot HoFer How dare you...Tupa was a phenom! At punting
  3. I've been brought on as teefs assistant to the regional inspector.
  4. WoOt w00t!! Kumerow 4th WR!! Now we got to get Harry in front of Butler
  5. Are you just mad that you won't see Cuomo as president ever now?
  6. Why, DeSantis is on board for everything Trump says...there is no better conductor for the Trump train. That choo choo sound you hear isn't Xiden playing with a toy train while eating his bedtime ice cream cone... it's the sound of sweet victory coming to ramrod your ass Or will just cheat again since that's what they do...
  7. Get them now Billstime before the price becomes 100x what it used to be. Or are you going to wait for Trump to get in so prices will normalize on everything again?
  8. He could just make his main residence NY... It's ok... you guys better stock up on tissues, you're looking at Trump-DeSantis in 2024 and DeSantis as president for 8 years after.
  9. It's fine, should just come to an injury settlement now because Kumerow is WR #6
  10. That's one of the reasons he is one of the best in the business!
  11. I'm always the 1 No I didn't vote, but I am ecstatic because we signed the future GOAT to a nice contract extension... I just wanted a 12 year contract because his price is going to skyrocket after we win the Super Bowl every year.
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