You should see *hic* the increase in benzo and antipsychotic med sales *hic*
Now that I'm thinking about it, dragging my @$$ across his lawn is sounding like a mighty fine idea at this point?
I've scooped him:
McCaffrey's deal was done with no hit to the Panthers if traded as worked out by The Bills and Panthers front offices. Now the trade is being finalized
Man, I have some bets to cash in on!!! Still waiting on another Jason Sehorn
THE best, as I told people he would be when drafted
I've seen him conducting water tests on the sideline for teammates
Well hopefully that limb snaps off right into our laps and he then grafts himself back onto a fat trunk and resumes being the best RB to ever play
Top 1 weapon in the NFL
At least somebody around here appreciates McCaffrey for what he is
Mmmmmmmm I chug fresh Lemon juice straight whenever I can!!
A gallon.... J/k
The juice of 3-4 regular sized Eureka Lemons is around a 1/2 cup. You can drink it like a man and chase it with water to cut the acid or you can make a lemonade (16 oz of water) minus sugar!
How many 1st round draft picks Irsay lost out on by not trading Luck, (so a cocaine line for each)...still thought he was going to be the GOAT... Now Allen will have to fill those shoes?
This is the ghost of Sherlock...
Wow, they got a bargain locking him in at under 20 mil per... I would've made this trade all day everyday. Hopefully this was just part of our trade deal, thst he be signed and traded! A girl can dream can't he...
@Virgil The people have spoken!!!!
How do we determine draft order? I say years in the league so oldest teams get 1st dibs.
Sign me up for Browns or Raiders!
How much do you want to bet???