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Sherlock Holmes

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Everything posted by Sherlock Holmes

  1. I'm just hoping he becomes the greatest passing QB to go along with greatest running QB... I'm just saying 100 less yards is nothing, he could easily have that in 1 game the way he runs, so I don't see it as such a drastic difference.
  2. Bro he had like 100 yards less last year than 1st year and he made up for that in the playoff game! Mark my words Josh Allen is the greatest rushing QB we will ever see, he's exactly what I thought Tebow would be
  3. He should end up with most QB rushings TDs and yardage soon enough... Already 1200 yards and 17 TDs in 2 years.......
  4. Josh is the best running QB in history...watch.
  5. Lol Royal is not somebody who should be on the hands team... It's like putting McLovin on the fair catch duties expecting him not to McFumble
  6. Breaking news: Tom Brady has been seen dumping a truckload of bodies into the Gulf of Mexico... Goodell finds he has not broken any rules as Aaron Hernandez could not be ruled out as the murderer from beyond the grave... Always getting away on technicalities
  7. Please let him be better than Tucker
  8. I just hope I don't get raided for my stockpile of Vasoline and Socks, I'm not hoarding, I swear I'll burn through 20 cases a week
  9. I'm trying to be responsible so I have moved back to Vasoline and a tube sock... need to save the Jergens for the Dr's hands after they chap from all the latex and powder in between all the handwashing. The Kleenex, well you know...
  10. Are you sure you don't remove remove the "L" instead?
  11. That's adversity? I thought that was just normal
  12. After my 4th beer and no 1st round pick I was all like
  13. I love the exaggeration Cutler goes through, it was a thing of beauty! Plus anytime something like this happens a cigarette mysteriously flys out of the nether into his mouth...he's soooo cool
  14. I was wondering how you last so long I used to be able to hold my drinks well, now I just crash out within the 1st hour of partying... The ol' kidneys and liver can't sustain a months worth of drinks in a 15 minute period anymore I remember when I would pregame allnight drinking with a whole nipper of Bacardi 151 straight.
  15. Got my Turk jersey on F5 Should have made the squad at the very least, I think he makes the catch for the win in the playoff game
  16. Give me a taste, let's see if I can figure it out
  17. I did love Flutie and I still have disdain towards Robosack still this day. Poor dumb bastard, at least he got a ring.
  18. I was talking about your finger Virgil, why do you have to make things so dirty? Get your mind out of the gutter!!!!
  19. Speaking of... that mullet has me all hot and bothered, kind of makes me want to turn a certain appendage of yours into a fundip stick with this choo choo cherry powder
  20. Wow how freaking petty! Was it dismissed? You here four hour!!!!
  21. Well I mean he could loft the ball to himself for a TD It's a damn injustice we didn't get Taysom in the league years ago, instead we got him as an old rookie
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