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Sherlock Holmes

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Everything posted by Sherlock Holmes

  1. I dont joke behind minorities backs about them... if I have something to say I say it to their face because I'm not a punk @$$ *****. I always have gotten respect that way and I have always gotten people who might not otherwise understand to understand that words aren't $#!+, that actions are what counts! I didnt take it as some free shot to say "racist" things about minorities for life...that's the point, they understood it wasn't bad intentioned, quite the opposite...
  2. I was friends with mostly minorities in the military...they accepted me and I accepted them. We would joke with each other about all kinds of "inappropriate" things, brought on by them first mind you... I didn't start joking back until they said off-color jokes. We loved each other and would die for each other! We had each other's backs and had respect for each other started by this kind of bonding. Would you call them racist for off-color comments they made? No, they were joking and you needed the context. Would you call me racist for off-color comments I would rib them with? Absolutely!
  3. Well, I know we are all here sitting and wishing Tom Brady would've weighed in and given his views on what is going on in the world a couple years ago
  4. So you think you're an elite poster?!! Just look at your name and avatar?!?!
  5. That's the problem... too much focus is being put into what is said. What somebody says means a million different things to a million different people. It is extremely hard to know context without talking face to face to somebody and getting real human interaction. We need to stop using words because that will never work for that reason. We need to use actions. We need to show respect to each other and not cut each other down, we need to help others when they can't help themselves. We need to show love and compassion. Then things can truly change!
  6. It is impossible to not be divisive, you can never make eveybody happy all at once no matter what is said! There is always somebody looking to be angry over what is said no matter who says it! You can love everybody equally and perfectly and there is still a lynchmob waiting in the bushes, this is exactly what Jesus taught us, not even speaking on a religious level. Those people that have hate in their hearts is what needs to change, we all need to come together in unity, not arguing, not bickering, just understanding that everybody has free speech and that we shouldn't take what somebody says so personally.
  7. My point that I made about all lives mattering being taken as some negative racist connotation is on point... Everybody has an opinion and takes issue with what they perceive to be negative, but to perceive somebody caring and treating everybody equally, which is what eveybody has been in in a tizzy about for the past 200 years as negativity and racism is beyond moronic. That falls into entitlement and looking for something beyond equality, something that will never be attainable, they will never find peace because they are looking for war!
  8. Carr can get back on track, he's not terrible...if he gets injured at least there is Mariota and not just PeterPan
  9. I guess the offering up of ScottLaws beans and frank chased Turk back to school Don't know how I can cope
  10. It is all opinion...just like how all lives matter is racist?!?! According to whom?
  11. Love watching the Ibis here feeding in our yard. Also love watching the Osprey and Bald Eagle chase each other. Very partial to the Cardinals that take residence in our Jaboticaba trees! I love doing the Cardinal call to them, they hop around and respond right back for minutes at a time.
  12. See, now we are all getting out of line....ahhhh Fitzzzzzzy, see what you do to us?!?!?!
  13. Backle attempt maybe... more than likely just the ol' look around with his shoulder shrugging to see who elses' fault it was he didn't attempt a tackle? Definitely waiting to get business decisioned by Moss
  14. You are skipping phases man... he only goes into supernoodlearm mode after signing his huge starting QB contract extension after playing like the GOAT for 7 weeks! Love ya Fitzy!!! You deserve that gold jacket one day for GOAT backup, greatest wit and sexiest beard
  15. I think we can take Brady and Mickelson! Probably even Tiger and Manning.... Just give us our 10% cut?
  16. He couldn't settle on Lil' Gouda or Lil' Chedda so he hung it up...
  17. Occasionally I don't Jangle peoples nuggets, but when I do, I always use Bleu Cheese?
  18. Mahomie would've shamed Brady as well, Bosa would've snapped Brady in half, maybe if the rest of the 49er line were more mobile they would've helped Bosa out against Mahomes. They both have a mean sexy dance that is hard to judge...maybe if they turned it into a lapper I could decide better
  19. I wouldn't say that...? I would let out 5 minute long belly laughs as Kittle snatched the ball away from Gilmore as he is holding him with two arms for multiple TDs.... If it were SF and the Cheats in SB, Bosa would've retired Brady and Gilmore would've given up 4 TDs to Kittle while looking all around him for somebody else to blame.
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