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Sherlock Holmes

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Everything posted by Sherlock Holmes

  1. I'm going to have the same reaction when we get McCaffrey....
  2. If he does opt out can he at least play goalie for the Sabres?!?!
  3. UGHhhhh!! I really want to see Tre and Josh Norman play together... it's like when we had two prime corners in Greer and Mcgee and when one came back the other would be injured
  4. He made you his biznitch....
  5. Or Wild Turkey... Must be nice that there is something else to use instead of a thumb and a blankey when he's in need of some comfort...
  6. We should do a Baja Men remix...
  7. Yes, he is set to break out... Wish we had LvE as well because that would be ridiculous. Just needs Coach Kuechly for guidance on how to be a GOAT LB. You gotta keep Milano and Edmunds unless LvE leaves Dallas and we can get him or TJ Watt
  8. I've got a banging buffet going in back of my illegal basement penny casino... You haven't lived until you try it? This is true...I know, I was a soup kitchen connoisseur
  9. Better than Applebee's...
  10. Yes, it definitely is. Possibly what gave me the rot gut to set forth the events that transpired that night. Man, that could lead to some pretty epic handshakes... well elbow bumps nowadays
  11. Smart move, Did he do so in a belly shirt?
  12. Oh dear God.... 19 year old Augie probably went out like a champ at least. I might have been able to pull that off then... but now, at this age, it just gets you a pair of shorts full of ? and having to explain to your wife every so often that the rancid, hidden puke particle scent that has brewed in the sun for over a year is actually emanating from outside the vehicle. Your buddy pulled a Kiko!! Did he at least clean the sofa for them
  13. I wont touch food sprayed with chemicals... I feel the effects to my adrenal glands if I eat something that has been sprayed with Glyphosate. That tells me everything I need to know about it right there. Tell the bees how safe these chemicals are while they suffer from colony collapse linked to them. Not to mention other beneficial pollinators such as beetles, moths and butterflies. Nobody will be enjoying food if there is no pollination. You can't hand pollinate everything to sufficiently feed the world.
  14. He already had puke on him from trying to help me out, possibly some poo... Now that's a good friend!! They dubbed it the Independence Day Wild Turkey Rumpus Blowout $#!+storm hosted by Rumple$#!+stain or $#!+storm for short. Would love to hear further torment the Turkey has imparted in your life. It was really amazing how I went from completely fine to alcohol poisoning in a 10 minute window... I appalled my friends gf so badly she went from almost marrying him to leaving him...apparently I made her question her life choices if that counts for something
  15. I must admit I had an incident with Wild Turkey that my wife and my best friend have come up with a name for that I am too embarrassed to share... We were closing on our house in Florida July 5th of last year and since we were driving down we decided to have a final pre-4th of July Independence Day send off at my best friend's place. For old times sake I brought just a little 375 ml nipper of the Turkey as we would guzzle handle bottles between just us two in a day or two tops and what kind of send off would it be if you didn't dip into old habits??? Mind you I stopped drinking except an occasional IPA or glass of wine once in a while a month beforehand. My wife and I brought a bottle of wine and a 4 pack of IPAs to split since my friend hates wine and IPA and his girlfriend was still working when we got there. Now we were there for around 6 hours having a bonfire and setting off fireworks while nipping at the Turkey and smoking a couple doobies for the first couple hours. Then since we were already feeling it we popped open the bottle of Equinox Red from Bonterra, usually their wines are great but this one was hard to drink. After we finished that we cracked open our IPAs and sat around the fire joking around waiting for my friend's girl to get home from work. After we finished our beers I felt fine and was totally coherent, I remember hearing my friends girl pull into the gravel driveway a bit later and all of a sudden I felt queazy... I started feeling dizzy as she approached us. Just as she sits down with us and says "hi" I start projectile vomiting all over myself. I felt like I was in the exorcist because my head tilted straight back and I began vomiting backwards and choking on my own puke. I started having convulsions and actually crapped my own pants while still throwing up. I said sorry to my friend about the scene I made and how I had to bounce, all he could do was laugh and hug me. I ended up making it into our Jeep in the driveway and fell asleep on myself for about an hour until I woke up puking again. Thankfully I got to see my friend the next morning without puking on him before we got ready to leave NY. A couple things happened after that...my friends girlfriend left him less than a week later, we drove state by state tying not to vomit from the leftover scent of puke stuck in evey crack of our car with my wife *****ing at me every 5 minutes, I learned never to mix every type of alcohol in one sitting again, and finally some poor, horrified Salvation Army employee is scarred for life after pulling out my $#!+ infested shorts from a bag of clothes we donated after my wife mistakenly switched a donation clothes bag with a garbage clothes bag...God bless their poor soul I had to make amends with the Turkey so on July 4th I bought a 25 ml nipper and it thankfully stayed where it should with no ill effects.
  16. Roundup is going the way of DDT sometime in the next 25 years... But there is at least 10 more "safe" neurotoxic formulations waiting in the wings to start the vicious cycle all over again once it is banned... We never learn
  17. Can't stand the ridiculous ego most people get over the pettiest jobs let alone when they are in charge of others. Anything we might have seen?!
  18. You wouldn't happen to be a defense attorney for Monsanto would you T&C?!?!
  19. PugLife baby!!! Yee yee!! Yes, I found that the only boss and employees I can deal with is myself... Takes away so much stress.
  20. Unfortunately I'm stuck working with myself as well and I don't like it
  21. Roundup, other pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, chemicals or morons.
  22. He should've waited til halftime of the 1st game to spring it on us!!
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