@Royale with Cheese This is why I was High School State Champion 4x, JUCO National Champ 4x, All-American, NCAA National Champ 4x, and 3x Bronze Medalist in the Special Olympics💩
Hey, we can always make room for more!! My neighbors always give me dirty looks when 20 people pile out of our studio apartment like when a circus tries to set the world record for most clowns in a baby car?
Well I don't see how he could decline
Nonsense, I have a nice King size pull out couch! All 3 of us should fit just fine!!!
If McCaffrey comes into the picture then Easley is on the floor with a sleeping bag.
We finally get our Welker-Edleman and eveybody just wants to give him up and keep Dookie... Mind boggling to say the least, it's not like we have Sills V waiting in the wings
This should end well....
Both were very entertaining but Fitz was a better and more exciting QB, you were never out of a game with him slinging it, even NE* games...
Also I just want to live in that beard