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Everything posted by Beast

  1. He’s a UFA. He can sign with any team, to include the Bills, at anytime. Tomorrow, next week, June, week 9, it doesn’t matter.
  2. Jackson would never sign multi-years at that low of a salary.
  3. Have him come for a visit and offer him a contract. Right before he signs it rip it from under him and set it on fire.
  4. Beast

    Yolo update

    Take down the Missing flyers!
  5. He knows there’s about to be a big splash. Ruben Brown told him so.
  6. The OP’s thread title was better than your middle school aged one.
  7. Players wanted to play for New England because of Brady, not Belichick. The Patriots will continue to flounder with the grouchy, below average head coach in charge.
  8. Why would we want Poyer 3 years from now? 1 year deal. That’s it.
  9. I don’t think you are at all. BTW, That was a pretty good series. Read it and have the dramatic audio version on my phone and listen to it at the gym.
  10. If what you say is true that’s it’s so hard to find them then why wouldn’t the Bills continue to dip into free agency to fill open spots with actual known commodities? If it’s so hard as you are saying it seems to me that using draft capital for a position that players pan out so infrequently (otherwise it wouldn’t be so hard to find them, right?) is rather stupid.
  11. Nah. Not worried at all. I’d like to see someone that has a possibility of keeping the Bills competitive if Allen goes down for a game or two.
  12. He sucks. Hopefully he gets cut in August.
  13. Agreed. I’d also see what Baker Mayfield is up to in a week or two.
  14. We’ll see if you appreciate it when you see our pass defense. With that said, I’m interested in who will replace him.
  15. I’m glad he was a Buffalo Bill. I appreciated his efforts and thought he was rock solid covering the middle of the field in the passing game.
  16. I’d think freeing up money would make it more likely Edmunds is back than not and that’s coming from someone that doesn’t see him coming back. Isn’t that why teams restructure and free up money? To hand out new contracts?
  17. How is freeing up money proof that someone is not coming back? I assume that’s what you mean since we already know he’s a free agent.
  18. Here’s your realistic argument…. London Fletcher couldn’t hold Edmunds jock in pass coverage and today’s game is a hell of a lot more about stopping the pass than it was 20 years ago. Regardless, like Fletcher, Edmunds is about to be a former Buffalo Bill.
  19. Today was an absolute kick in the nuts. The Sabres were the better team. 71 needs to go.
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