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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Right. Once again, FOR THE SLOW PEOPLE SiTTING IN THE BACK, they are going ahead with the new stadium and spending a billion and a half dollars without knowing the future ownership of the Bills. Common sense seems to have left the building.
  2. What do you feel about double zero?
  3. Who would you rather be stepping foot back onto the field, Damar or Tua? I’d much rather be Damar.
  4. We met at the festival that was going on and walked to the hotel where the busses pulled up with the team and employees.
  5. I ram into you in Appleton, WI. Does that count for anything in this thread?
  6. I don’t know if you’ve heard but a new stadium is in the works. That wouldn’t be happening with ownership up in the air.
  7. I suppose. But don’t you think there would be a thread title saying she was no longer with us if that was the case?
  8. Glad to hear that because it had me immediately searching for news.
  9. Casey and Dahlin are also best of friends. Not that that would effect how they run their team but they also have a very important contract extension to start hammering out with Dahlin this off-season, and keeping 26 happy is paramount.
  10. Nothing wrong with that. You never know how the draft will fall.
  11. I’d be shocked if they did. Police Departments don’t ***** around with domestic issues regardless of if an arrest is made or not.
  12. If there was a police report don’t you think someone would have FOIL’d it by now?
  13. Either that or a very valuable piece to move for another top 4 d-man. I’d like to think he will be with us for a while. He really found his game this season.
  14. Josh can’t get along with anyone. Locker room cancer I tell ya. Trade him while he still has some value!
  15. I’m happy to report I knew nothing about these rumors until opening this thread. Maybe she doesn’t Diggs him anymore? Get it? Diggs him?
  16. Unfortunately that is what entered my mind.
  17. I wanted to watch it but a Lawrence Welk marathon was on.
  18. No. SB 28 most certainly got away. From my recollection the Bills seemed to go conservative right at the end of the first half and settled for a FG. Thurman then fumbled on what looked like could have been a promising drive for a scoop and score and the Bills folded. You could see by the looks on their faces coming off the field after the Thomas fumble. The thing that sucked is that only tied the score. The Bills had no will to win after that play.
  19. Little boys. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2023/04/10/dalai-lama-boy-kiss-video/11634769002/
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