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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Elam was very solid last season. That’s when he did his “breaking out”.
  2. I think this is the sort of crap @PrimeTime101was talking about with his thread. This guy offers up nothing other than attempting to piss people off and it’s allowed. On the other hand some true Bills fans say the wrong thing and have to take a vacation.
  3. IMO, it starts with our ownership. Best in the NFL.
  4. You know who’s interested in Josh Allen’s sex life, girlfriend(s) or anything of the sort? Weirdos, that’s who. Flat out weird people. This thread has been an amusing thing to drop in on. When I first saw the headline when it was on the football side of the board I was wondering who the hell Josh Britt was and what position did he play, Quickly I found out what it was about, how little I cared about it and how much it means to some Bills fans. Truly entertaining in a train-wreck sort of way.
  5. If it is rigged why would you watch or follow it? The second I feel the NFL rigs games will be the last second I follow the league.
  6. Yep. We may see more non-contact youth leagues popping up but that may not even be a bad thing for development.
  7. Maybe there will be no spots in the inner part of the stadium to put names up? Maybe it will be in a concourse area or something like that. Possibly be known as the Bills Hall of Fame instead of Wall of Fame.
  8. Did anyone really believe he was coming back?
  9. I think we all understand that. My take stands. Plus the NFL shouldn’t turn into some gimmick league. Maybe they can go for 4 from the 20 in a few years?
  10. I remember waving at Von Miller sometime back in 2017 or 2018. I’m anxiously awaiting Beane to call me for an invitation to mini-camp.
  11. The idea of an extra point being half as many points as a TD is not appealing to me.
  12. The list is ZERO. The HOF is already watered down.
  13. I had to stop about 4 minutes in. Had enough.
  14. I’m getting so ***** sick of having to purchase multiple ways to watch games.
  15. Personally, I don’t care. And I mean I really don’t care. Unless it really did affect him on the field. Then I care a whole hell of a lot. But since I’ll never know the answer to that I don’t care.
  16. I want to crush their ugly faces. Obviously you’ve never been to John Butler.
  17. The Bills didn’t sign Sherfield, Harty, Harris, McGovern or draft Kincaid or Torrence this past off-season? Funny, I must have been dreaming that because I was all but sure the Bills improved on offense compared to what they had last season. Thanks for setting the record straight.
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