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Everything posted by Beast

  1. The amount of criticism from who? Also, are you a “saint”? If not does that make you a racist?
  2. I don’t know if he said it or not but unless this was recorded or multiple people say they heard Pegula say it, I‘m siding with Terry. Do you know he’s telling the truth?
  3. He had a 75 percent completion rate. The INT’s were Josh being stupid. Josh has a tendency to make stupid plays. He has since day 1. Those stupid plays are on him.
  4. I guess.”McFlop” doesn’t get any credit for when Josh was playing lights out. Only when he sucks, Makes sense.
  5. I thought Dorsey calledd a decent game overall but there is no excuse for that 2nd and 15 call.
  6. That’s too bad for Jets fans that were so excited for the season because of him.
  7. I thought the run defense was fine. Take away that one long Hall run and we have no ***** at all.
  8. He was absolutely swallowed up whole a few times out there.Obviously he will only be able to get it done on speed alone.He gets a body on him and he’s toast.
  9. I’m pretty sure he clanked another one off the numbers of a Jets DB on a pass over the middle. Josh’s football awareness was absolutely pathetic tonight. On one drive he could have ran out of bounds but decided to take on 2 tacklers for no reason. He picked up a meaningless yard doing that. Later, he tried to leap over multiple defenders on a 3rd down where he wasn’t even close to the sticks. His stupid play has become alarming.
  10. OK, then whatever the issue is it has carried on for 10 months running.
  11. But he had a strong enough elbow to make that throw on Thanksgiving to put the Bills in position to win the game. Josh’s arm strength has not been the issue. The elbow excuse no longer cuts it. This team has a lot of talent and the sky is the limit if they get better QB play.
  12. The first 6 games of last year 17 TD’s and 4 INT’s. What gives? I know some here think we will be fine but….will we? Will we with such poor QB play? Is Josh just not a very smart QB? I mean, he said he had to take better care of his body and the ball this past off-season. He did neither in his first meaningful game. And showed nothing of the sort that he gave a crap about doing either of those things. Seriously, what in hell is going on with Josh Allen?
  13. Will they be fine? In Josh Allen’s last 12 games he has 19 TD’s and 15 INT’s. What makes anyone believe he is going to all of a sudden start playing better? Allen said he needed to be smarter with his body and take care of the ball this past off-season. Josh gets a big fat F in both of those categories tonight.
  14. The o-line played better than I thought they would. The o-line was absolutely not the issue. Sure, they gave up pressure but I was actually expecting more pressure than I saw.
  15. Did I say I was in love other Dorsey? However, putting this loss on him tonight was moronic. I guess he should have thrown every down because Josh was lighting it up?
  16. I believe Dorsey called a good enough game that if Allen didn’t have his head up his ass the Bills win by at least two scores. Anyone that thought we’d put up in the high 20’s or 30’s hasn’t been paying attention to the Jets defense. They are probably a top 3 defense but Allen made them look legendary.
  17. Sorry, but Dorsey is not to blame for this game. The Bills should have won by two scores but Allen has his head so far up his own ass. Allen is completely to blame for this loss. It’s on him 100% and it has got to the point, going back the last few games of last season as well, that Allen is starting to become a big problem.
  18. The Jets only success has been going to their RB. Better be ready for that here.
  19. If you were expecting our o-line to shut down the jets defensive line that was wishful thinking. They have played rather well, especially on the edges.
  20. Pretty solid half of football. Our o-line has held up better than I expected.
  21. These punks on ESPN are basically saying the Bills will be fortunate to even be in the game.
  22. Didn’t care for it. I had to confirm where I lived a few times during the day while switching games.
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