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Everything posted by Beast

  1. I was sitting two rows up in the endzone where they kicked the game winner. 13 year old me was extremely engrossed with the Jills when they were directly in front of me.
  2. I wish message boards were around during the 89 bickering Bills season. Now there definitely would have been some entertaining topics to talk about. Not these child’s play events.
  3. Are they supposed to have a security guy for every row in the stadium?
  4. I believe he read my post that he needs to take his craft more seriously. You guys can thank me for #11. The previous 10 I can’t speak for.
  5. Denver just put up a bunch of points against the Commandos.
  6. Are any of us surprised this hasn’t happened at a Bills game? I’m all for alcohol consumption and being rowdy. I’m all against violence unless it is the absolute last resort.
  7. Unless it’s like the original USFL that actually had star players, meh. I’ll tune in for a drive or two then find something else to watch if it’s rainy outside.
  8. It’s not what I think about the legality of any of the hits. It’s when they start taking game checks away from players you’ll see a lot less aggressive defensive play in a league that is already offensive friendly. Again, players safety is a hell of a lot better than it ever has been. To expect completely clean plays in a fast, aggressive contact sport is a bit of wishful thinking. I’m fine with the way the NFL has been handling these issues and hope they don’t become even heavier handed in their discipline.
  9. I’m not trying to stir things up with you but the NFL game is 100% safer than it was 10 years ago when it comes to all player safety. Just how much aggression do you want removed from the game? Players start losing game checks and you’ll start seeing even softer defensive play in an already offensive friendly league.
  10. Yeah, because having a consistent top 5 offense is a horrible thing. Give me an offensive guy that accomplishes the same thing and maybe let’s the defense slip.
  11. Throwing to one of his white boys?
  12. The Patriots continue to run that play. At least 3 times I can remember. It hasn’t’ been open once and now they get picked. Great strategy.
  13. The Bills have treated alumni like gold since the Pegula’s have taken over. It really is a joke that some think we have owners that are just the worst that ever owned a team.
  14. Every game that goes by post-Brady (actually pre-Brady as well), Belichick is exposed for what he really is. A defensive mind that isn’t a very good head coach unless he has the best QB that every lived behind center.
  15. I mean, poor Takeo had everything paid for, free food, booze, travel, lodging, televisions in his suite and service at his feet…..the Bills are awful.
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