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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Maybe it’s just me but I wouldn’t be at all excited about Tre making his first appearance in a championship type game 4 plus months after an achilles injury.
  2. What was he supposed to do? I don’t know, walk away and get security? Novel idea I know.
  3. Real tough guy beating up a guy that can’t even stand.
  4. Any talking heads eating crow today on Twitter? If so please post them here.
  5. I’m hoping beyond hope it’s not in the territory of Aaron Rodgers injury. I watched it close on replay and didn’t see that same ripple effect up the back of Tre’s lower leg like we did for Rodgers. With saying that of course I’m not a doctor or know what the hell I am talking about. Maybe just a partial tear? Just trying to be optimistic.
  6. It’s only 2 weeks. I’d be willing to bet they may even be enjoying their time away from their families.
  7. I’ve noticed a lot of leading with the helmet that hasn’t been called.
  8. I’ll go to iTunes and buy a few of her songs if they just quit showing her.
  9. Frazier was a very good coordinator. McDermott is simply better.
  10. Bill Jauron’s team having a hard time.
  11. Waste assets? This team is good enough to win a Super Bowl this season. Bringing in a CB in an attempt to do so is not wasting assets. Give me a phone and 31 other GM’s phone numbers and I will have an answer for you.
  12. Well, we have a bunch of players at DE and one is about to sit. I am sticking with my take. The Bills need to make a move soon. Having a good DE not dressing does this team no good.
  13. Elam will be in the lineup but they obviously aren’t enthralled with him. Miller is coming back. That leaves us with a possible DE and draft picks to deal. This Bills team is for real but Beane needs to bring someone in that can keep the quality of play up in the defensive backfield.
  14. I won’t feel good about this game until I hear what @Airseven has to say about it.
  15. Tre White is a heart and soul player on this team. Absolute sweet heart of a man and an even better player.
  16. Another torn ACL. ***** artificial surfaces.
  17. I know it was only 1 half of football but that was as good as the Bills have looked in 2 years.
  18. What do you think they could get for a guy that can’t even crack the game day lineup? I can’t imagine it would be much. Might as well keep him in case an injury happens.
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