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Posts posted by Beast

  1. And it was in the 5 yard zone , and the QB let go of the ball. Looks like he thought his guy was getting the ball, squared up closed his eyes and hit him. Looks legal to me. If it's helmet to helmet or a high hit then ok, but seems harsh to me

    Holy crap. So, you are saying Burfict's instincts are so bad it led to this? Because, 5 yards or not you still can't hit a defenseless player.


    Looks legal to you. That's a good one.

  2. The real entertaining question would be this.....


    What would happen if the Bills made the SB this year and missed another 47 yard FG to win as time expired.


    How would the region hold up if something like that happened?


    I think they'd have to call out the National Guard....and I'm not kidding one bit.

  3. It's ridiculous to think the Pegulas have any idea what they're doing. They've already proven to make bad choices with Rex, and now McDermott and Beane.

    Watkins. Darby. Ragland.

    Do these people even KNOW they're in Arizona? I doubt it.

    If only Bon Jovi bought the team. We'd totally be winning by now.

    I only hope that, for long time members here, all 35,000 plus of your posts weren't as bad as this kne.

  4. This guy has no idea what he's talking about.


    I've watched football on TV my whole life, and was pretty good at Tecmo in my day, and I only needed to get halfway through the first quarter of Preseason Game 3 to know McDermott is is a failure, Beane is a fool, and Pegula is a horrible, horrible owner.


    You'll see. You'll ALL see. Then I will return and say "I told you so."



    ScottLaw, you forgot to sign off from your alias screen name.

  5. Perhaps. I know I've been on the receiving end of those while on active duty and it's not for wimps. Maybe it would be a good wake up call for Dareus to get his act together and act like a professional.

    Agreed. I was former USAF so I didn't get the ass chewings you did but I get the whole gist of discipline. Unfortunately, Dareus is a very rich man that doesn't need to listen.

    yeah embarrass one of your most talented players and extend a scrub like WOOD. These guys are really building this right

    If you think Dareus is embarrassed about this you are clueless. If he embarrassed that easily he would have stopped his moronic shenanigans a long time ago.

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