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Posts posted by Beast

  1. Based on that they have zero track record. None. It would be a bit more understandable to strip things down to square one and go totally to the draft if you had say, a Bill Polian. It's not absurd to guess that this duo is unlikely to equal one of the two or three best drafting efforts since the late '80s.

    I give.


    You win.


    Carry on.

  2. If they draft like SEA did to get their current roster, great. I do not see that happening with these guys.

    You don't see it happening based on not a thing.


    Am I right?


    Again, maybe it will work and maybe it won't. Not one of us knows here. I can't believe more people aren't a little intrigued. This certainly isn't the same ol' same ol'.

  3. Hey, I love the Bills and used to be the biggest homer. I hate preseason but those were awful football games. I felt like we are going to the Jauron era. I feel the only think we were missing was a legit qb and a coach not named Rex.

    I think people are putting a lot of trust into first timers because they are "well spoken." You don't just stumbled into players like Sammy. We just created more holes and are worse for it.

    But I really want to be right. So sick of being irrelevant and after 2014, it seemed like we were almost there.

    I get some of what you are saying but I just don't get why anyone would be so down on a new regime coming in and wanting their own people throughout the organization....on and off the field.


    It seems as if so many here are basically shitting all over Beane and McDermott before even giving this a chance.

  4. Right, since they didn't make the playoffs, they should give away talent like Sammy.

    Why is it so hard to come to grips with that they had no intentions on extending Watkins? Sammy certainly is talented but the best ability is availability.


    It's not like Jordan Matthews is chopped liver. You'd think they came out and announced they decided to play with 10 players on offense after those trades.

  5. When Carroll took over the Seahawks they literally had over 100 player transactions in his first year on the job.


    They took the roster, shook it, shook it some more....and contunued to shake the **** out of it unTil they built a Super Bowl Champion.


    You'd think Beane and McDermott were breaking up the early 90's Bills with some fans reactions,

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