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Posts posted by Beast

  1. Josh Rosen, QB of UCLA, has been a top prospect for a QB pick in he 2018 draft by many analysts. He's had some great games last year. Many Bills fans have urged us to go grab him, ONLY if he enters the draft next year. Tonight I'm watching him face Texas A&M and he looks horrible so far. Under thrown passes, miss timed throws and weak throws.

    My question is, even after this one game, can we afford to draft a guy who may enter the draft next year if he's a downgrade of Peterman? I know one game doesn't count, but his performance is sub-par so far. Do we go get Darnold? Or another top tier QB?

    Hate away...

    Holy epic horrible post.


    Downgrade to Peterman.



  2. Haddad was the UB receiver, I believe your thinking of Derrick Rodgers who was at Tennessee got in trouble I believe and went to a smaller school.

    Yeah, Rodgers. I did say Tennessee. Not sure why some even began to think I meant Haddad. People had Rodgers labeled as a steal, can't miss guy.



  3. Fans are enthralled with players like Reilly every year. Who was that WR from the Vols a few years back that was supposed to be the next great thing that we got as a UDFA? He went to Indy after us. Name slips my mind.


    Reilly will go right up there with that DT, Cohen, from a couple years ago. 3rd team warrior.

  4. I guess how it plays out is a big thing with me too.


    Like many have said, if you are going to lose, try to do so in an exciting fashion and give us something to look forward to next year.


    The Sabres tank was painful because of just HOW bad they were at putting the puck in the net. I could be ok with losing, if they did so while moving the ball. I hate watching a 'competitive defensive game'.


    The Sabres tank was a Masterpiece.

  5. Reilly just made plays with the opportunities he was given. His 40 time is good and he was able to gain separation as well as have the body control to adjust to balls thrown his way. I have seen next to nothing from Holmes and Brown this summer and would have expected one of them to go.

    I am not sure what these guys are watching but it is the same people who think Ducasse is as good as Miller. This concerns me as I have had high hopes for this new regime.

    Maybe the same thing as the other 31 teams in the league since nobody claimed him?

  6. I will go on record and say this. I am not a fan of McDermott and Beane, but I do support them and want them to succeed, for the sake of our Buffalo Bills. With that said, I am nowhere near as high on them as I was when they first got here. McDermott, in my humble opinion, is becoming more and more a control freak who screams, "It's my way or the...actually it's just my way, nothing else." I was shocked to see Pegula give absolute carte blanche to a completely unproven Defensive Coordinator, coming off a few seasons of mediocrity. And I was even more shocked that this first time head coach was allowed to pick his own GM, and not the other way around!! Nonetheless I still supported McD, and as he began a complete housecleaning of the FO, scouting, coaching, I remained optimistic. However, the Sammy trade was the first decision that raised my eyebrows, and tbh, I have been both confused and bewildered with pretty much every move since then. It's as if McDermott is on a crusade(love that word and keep thinking of that picture) to not just rid the team of essentially EVERY Whaley pick, but to show the football world that he and he alone singlehandedly turned this franchise around, from top to bottom. There is a certain air of audaciousness to every move he makes now, and he is making it increasingly harder to both support him and remain optimistic. It's as if he has this Belichick-ean air of cockiness about him, yet he hasn't even won a single game yet. I will go as far as to admit I'm beginning to dislike his attitude, mainly his sureness of himself.

    Obviously, if the season comes and we start racking up the W's, I will probably start liking him again. But I guess time will tell...

    Funny, but I seem to remember that Beane came out and said he had the trade offer for Watkins and McDermott didn't even know and he didn't tell him until after the Vikings game was over.


    Kind of puts a damper on your McDermott being the bad guy.


    As well as those that agree with you.

  7. Your point? Where did i say ever they will fail?

    Exactly my point, Your continual bitching about something you don't have a clue about. Today, you're whining about the Bills trading an absolute STIFF that they drafted in the 6th round last year that hasn't shown jack squat.


    You just complain to complain.


    This regime hasn't even played a meaningful game of football and people are burying them.


    You don't have to come right out and say you think they will fail. Every one of your posts indicates that without coming right out and saying tnose words.

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