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Everything posted by Beast

  1. I think that would probably go to the Houston GM or maybe even Cleveland’s.
  2. I wish we could play Miami every week.
  3. I never got that thinking. If it slipped out the NFL was rigged, which is a very good possibility because people like to talk, the NFL product would take a serious hit. Also, if you think it’s rigged, why would you watch the NFL? Why waste your time?
  4. That’s a possibility. The other is retirement.
  5. We are 3-0 in the past 5 years. Let’s make it 4-0.
  6. Well, yeah. When outgaining a team by 200 yards you shouldn't be sweating at the end.
  7. Fans lose their minds. I’m not going to cast stones because I’ve been known to lose mine as well.
  8. Kids call people names. I haven’t been high on Harty but I never resorted to calling him “Sharty”. Then again, I’m not 12 years old.
  9. Come on now. Josh was an issue for 3 plus quarters. Calling him out for that doesn’t mean you hate him. It means you expect more from him. Even Josh knows he was an issue. The turnovers hurt tonight in a game the Bills dominated.
  10. The Bills outgained Miami by 200 yards. What exactly did you not like about coaching tonight?
  11. 473 yards to 275 yards. Josh, please take care of the football the next few weeks. It could mean a Lombardi trophy for this city.
  12. Yep. I was having big issues with Sean but he really got his team to rally. Have to hand it to him. If I can be critical if him when I think he’s an issue I damned better well acknowledge when he is coaching his ass off.
  13. McDermott certainly isn’t the issue tonight and I’ve been one to be critical of him. Look no further than #17 for tonights issues.
  14. McDermott isn’t the problem right now. Period.
  15. McDermott was 100% right. Allen needs to extract his head from his ass.
  16. No doubt Cook’s drop killed but Josh needs to pull his head right the ***** out of his ass. McDermott was 100% right. You can’t throw in the field of play in that situation unless it’s a sideline route.
  17. Moving the ball up and down the field. We know what the issues are.
  18. Just as bad as bad of a first half as you could imagine.
  19. Want to see a wheel route to Cook this drive. He’s feeling it and Miami can’t keep up with him.
  20. I feel so ***** relieved! This season has taken its toll on us.
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