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Everything posted by Beast

  1. I think it would be cool if the NFL opened up a Hall of Shame. Embarrassing, awful moments, games and careers of players, coaches, GM’s and Owners. I’d watch. Hell, I’d attend.
  2. They should have done it in their Underoos.
  3. Tre White should smash him the next tine he sees him........nah.
  4. ScottLaw seeing that the Bills are heading in the right direction jumps on the Sabres suck bandwagon. Who would have thought?
  5. Nope. At least please no. There is nothing wrong with having two WR’s that can take the top off of a defense. Especially if one gets hurt. IMO, trading Foster would be dumb.
  6. You probably still watch MTV too, huh?
  7. Karlos Williams to speak at your sports banquet? Makes sense. Afterall, Aaron Hernandez wasn’t available.
  8. I’d flinch, too. I mean, the man stood on a ***** horse.
  9. I think I’m going to join Twitter to heckle the Juice.
  10. His name really is Chad.....it’s just that Mike Tyson is his daddy.
  11. Miami has the oranges but Buffalo’s got the Juice! There, there....go get a hug from Pelosi. It will be alright.
  12. I was getting worried that we wouldn’t be able to employ those 7 TE formations I have been dreaming of.
  13. They will be practicing in my back yard in a couple of those days. I was concerned about broken windows but remembered EJ is no longer on the squad so I allowed it.
  14. Why couldn’t he have been this entertaining when he was here?
  15. A “Historically Good” defense needs to have a fierce pass rush among other things. Do the Bills have that? I don’t think so.
  16. I can’t wait for the first loss of the season when some clown on these boards says maybe if they practiced on June 13th......
  17. He’s a quitter. ?
  18. He looks like he’s going to go back to his locker, take a swig of JD and fire up a Marlboro.
  19. 29 years in law enforcement and I can confidently say Pit Bulls are the preferred choice of dog for thugs.
  20. This is why you don’t want a good QB. They eat up the salary cap. ???
  21. What about London, UK? They have some pretty successful soccer teams there. Or Moscow? Some pretty good hockey is being played there! I won’t even mention Italy and how good their pasta is.
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