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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Most football fans watched most of his games last season. He did the same stuff he always has though to a lesser degree. To even put his name in the same sentence as game manager is ridiculous.
  2. Yeah. 4,300 yards and 29 TD’s last year. Glorified game manager.
  3. Might as well go back to what MLB used to do before that....best record in each conference plays against each other in the Super Bowl. No thank you to either scenario.
  4. I’m looking forward to the team bonding day when McDermott calls off practice and people flip out saying they are wasting valuable time.
  5. How long before he says Baker is a young guy and Eli was a vet that knew how to utilize my talents.
  6. After 518 post here is what I think... Phil is not a Thrill.
  7. Yeah, I did answer the question. Just because I didn’t answer it the way you wanted doesn’t mean it wasn’t answered. Your original statement was they would have to give guaranteed contracts. Ain’t happening. No way, no how.
  8. Prorating their salaries. There is no way they will give guaranteed deals to players. If they did, you would see 90 percent plus have one year deals after their rookie deals ran out.
  9. She even has a porn name. Of course.
  10. I really enjoyed those episodes. Love the fact that they seem to be building chemistry in a big way!
  11. Read it and the allegations sound incredibly weak.
  12. The Pegula’s just developed the land around the Sabres arena. Unless the Bills move next door to that there is no chance.
  13. Bud, it’s entertainment. Hollywood.
  14. LOL.....guaranteed contracts will never happen in pro football. Not a chance. They already have guaranteed signing bonuses.
  15. Whatever it is that he needs to work on I bet he did just that, in a big way, this past off-season. Barring injury, the kid is going to make a big jump this year. And I don’t mean the kind like we saw in Minnesota.
  16. Don’t lie, you are hoping for another volleyball scene.
  17. How about a practice jersey with nobody’s name on it. Say #63. That will make people scratch their heads and accomplish your goal.
  18. If she left her sunglasses behind, would you take them back to her if you knew the Juice was in the neighborhood?
  19. Ribeye Room temp. Chicago seasoning Olive oil 4-5 minutes on each side (Hot Weber gas grill) depending on thickness Rest Eat
  20. Yep. Been saying that from the get-go.
  21. Tainted Tom is the best QB that ever lived.
  22. Drew Bledsoe was 5-13 in his 18 games with Belichick. Brady came in and went 14-4. Drew Bledsoe was 8-8 in his first year in Buffalo. Hmmmmmmmm.
  23. Maybe they can see who tears their rotator cuff first.
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