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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Sean needs someone around to make him samiches.
  2. No offense, but if I had a six year old daughter I’d rather she ***** her pants than go into the men’s room at that stadium. Take a woman with you. Even if it’s an ugly broad. She can escort your little girl into the women’s room.
  3. I hate this view. Show it like normal, please?
  4. Battle of two QB’s that haven’t lived up to their hype. Panthers win, 27-14
  5. I wonder if this will make Shaw66 rethink his fandom?
  6. When the Bills win someone should plant a Bills flag at midfield before they leave the stadium.
  7. Nice hair-doo. I always wondered what happened to Greg Brady.
  8. 300 sections.....somewhere in the corners. Nicest people you will ever meet. ?
  9. Nobody said it was harmless. The argument was that texting and driving is just as, if not more, dangerous.
  10. Bulletin board material for Josh? You think that comment will actually make him try harder? LOL
  11. You did watch the Bills defense last week, right? I’ll side with what the coaches are doing.
  12. Dead on. A guy was prosecuted,and found guilty, a couple months ago here in Broome County for having sex with a passed out female friend that agreed to go home with him. Rape 1st degree. His sentencing is this Friday.
  13. Tennis. And Tennis fans. LOL
  14. Of course. Outcry witnesses are huge in sexual assault cases.
  15. If she did, indeed, tell others (i.e., Brown’s cook or whatever the hell he was) outcry witnesses lend credibility to the accuser as you know.
  16. No, she could have sued him after he jizzed on her back, but she didn’t. She also could have chose to have him arrested but she didn’t. I know it’s hard for people like yourself to understand the question I asked. In fact, do a little research.You may find that victims of sexual assault DO NOT come forward the first time it happens.....and it can happen at the hands of the same person
  17. You have zero reasoning. You seem to know this girl is extorting him. Let me ask you a hypothetical, if you were in her shoes and you were raped by a guy that had lots of money, would you go after some of it or would you go the criminal route? How about if some football player punched your lights out in a bar? Would you forego criminal charges if a financial settlement could be reached? Would that make you a gold digger?
  18. Your take on things is just, if not more so, disgusting than those you are chastising.
  19. I’m not quite sure what you mean by this......do you think she waited u til he was cut by the Raiders, when he had 30 million guaranteed, and waited until he signed with the Patriots, where he has much less guaranteed? Is that what you mean?
  20. Really? I heard they were looking to suspend Brittney Taylor.
  21. Not as much as my brain does from reading your ######ed rants.
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