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Everything posted by Beast

  1. You can act like like a jackass to the media when you’ve had as much success as Mayfield has had. Ooops. 8-1? All I can do is point and laugh at you.
  2. I'll let you know next April....after this season ends and free agency is a month or so old.
  3. People that drive in the passing lane while doing right around the speed limit.
  4. What happened? Was his GPA not high enough?
  5. Stay away from Bell. 3.2 Yards per carry after sitting a year out. Right now he is a below average RB with a high salary.
  6. And out they come from under their rocks. Yeah, let’s fire him! ?
  7. OK, let me explain it sloooooooowwwwwwly. Last year, Allen did a lot of damage to defenses with his running ability. DC's seeing that, and not having a reason to fear Allen and his passing game, have taken away his running game away. That leading to low scoring outputs. It's actually pretty simple. Allen has had very few uncontested runs like he had last year. l
  8. Yeah, in fact I do believe that DC's are forcing Allen into being a thrower and trying to take his running game away. I believe it is more than obvious to most that the results show just that.
  9. If it doesn't have T&C banning someone, I respectfully disagree.
  10. What is Allen's rush per attempt this year as compared to last? It certainly seems as if the opposition is taking his running ability away a lot more this year than last and making him play QB.
  11. Can Montour play the left side? I believe he can. If so, I’d waive Scandella or look to trade him.
  12. https://buffalonews.com/2019/10/25/taco-turmoil-after-lloyd-apology-deep-south-touts-support-for-police/ Deep South Taco for me when I come back home!
  13. And your take is clown-like to insinuate the problem with the Buffalo Bills is their defense.
  14. I don’t know. I have seen him roll designed as well as escaping the pocket many times this season.
  15. Is it a bad play call? It has worked many times this season.
  16. The Bills were winning until Allen fumbled. The second half was awful.
  17. The Bills have an a excellent defense that had a bad day. Hell, the 85 Bears even had a couple off days. The offense looks putrid. That’s the storyline.
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