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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Same here. I’ve never thought the guy was all that good.
  2. I can't remember the last time I listened to this show. I found John Murphy to be smarmy. Good riddance.
  3. That would be what starts bloodshed in this country....No matter your political affiliation. Tens of thousand die from the Flu every year in this country and that vaccine is voluntary.
  4. Too bad we have so many people with no backbone in our country.
  5. Correct. I am a Trump supporter but there are things I do not like that he has done...esp. with the Covid 19 thing. 1- Shut up about how you saved us from 2 million Americans dying. 2- When he criticized Governor Kemp for re-opening. 3- That he has pandered to the Leftist Governors and wasn't more vocal about re-opening the economy. But, for his warts, i.e., giving that moron from N. Korea an audience, Trump has been, by far and away the best President we have had since Ronald Reagan.
  6. Those suggestions Stephen A Smith made are stupid.
  7. Good for him but I couldn't possibly care less about him selling vitamins. When he starts selling narcotics, let me know.
  8. Imagine the Bills clinching the Division crown during a home game....but there are no fans there to celebrate.
  9. https://news.yahoo.com/coronavirus-california-prepared-enact-martial-215237009.html Martial Law is an option on the table for Newsom.
  10. Ben Williams was a good football player. Solid across the board. That 1980 team is still my favorite Bills team of all time.
  11. Yes. Because that's what it's all about. Haircuts. Good on you for bringing out the real reason why people want the economy opened. Haircuts. Cripes.
  12. Leave it to Beaver was, and still is, an awesome show. RIP, Eddie.
  13. Yep. An inventory is done so the driver can't claim he had 10 grand stashed under seats or in ghe glovebox and it is now missing when he or she reclaim their vehicle.
  14. The door for the argument to stay closed is shutting fast. https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.yahoo.com/amphtml/health-secretary-no-spike-coronavirus-174311456.html
  15. Yep. This hasn't dampened my enthusiasm about Oliver just like it didn't with Bruce Smith. Sometimes a kid needs to know he is not so big that he doesn't have to follow the rules.
  16. I'm glad I was able to leave a good impression on you from those days. Whoever you may be.
  17. Being in Law Enforcement for the past 30 years, yes I do. Apparently you don't understand what 911 is all about or what consistutes an emergency. In the callers mind it was and it appears they were correct. Think about it this way.....maybe we should thank the caller because maybe minutes later Oliver t-bones someone and seriously hurts or kills a person.
  18. This reminds me of Bruce Smith testing positive before the 1988 season and missing 4 games. Straighten your act up, Ed. You're a millionaire and can afford having your drunk ass transported from point A to point B. No going to crucify him but I hope he learns from this.
  19. I won't name the pizza joint I went i to yesterday here in the Southern Tier but it obviously was for pick-up. Not one customer or employee had a mask on. I did when I walked in.....but it came off in a hurry.
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