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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Oh yeah? I go back further. I remember telling people Brady was a flash in the pan after the Patriots won their first SB and they then traded Bledsoe to us.
  2. Right. The Left is also into killing small business. There's that.
  3. On October 15th, Biden said he had a plan...yet we never heard what it was. You'd think someone that had a plan to help with the pandemic would have been a little more forthcoming or was he OK with people dying at the hands of the big, bad orange man? Biden never had a plan. He still doesn't...... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/01/22/biden-says-nothing-can-change-the-trajectory-of-covid-pandemic-over-the-next-several-months.html Anything to do with vaccines can be credited to the last President.
  4. I didn't understand your first paragraph. At all. And where is the source for the rest, or are those your own words?
  5. It has happened once in NFL history. Who are the lot of guys that will follow?
  6. He is still in the Panthers organization, partly because he loves the Charlotte area and the Panthers. If he did make a comeback, which IMO is extremely unlikely, it would be with the Panthers.
  7. There will be more impeachment attempts on President Trump when he takes the Oval Office back in January of 2025.
  8. If you look closely, Elways facial expression looks very similar to that of the Bronco on the side of his helmet.
  9. I wish I could remember where I heard it but I did hear that the NFL was going to allow different colored helmets again. Maybe it was bogus info but I did hear it.
  10. Simply put, I was responding to someone's comment and have said lets keep this to Cuomo. I mean, otherwise could have put this in any of the other 10,000 Trump threads.
  11. Correct. As I recall, Cuomo received everything his little heart desired during the first few months of the pandemic. Can anyone name another state that received more help? Again, Cuomo committed crimes. That is what this thread is about. Cuomo. Crimes. Not you. Not his supporters. Not his detractors. Cuomo.
  12. I know some people have a problem staying on topic. This thread is for Cuomo. But I’ll play your game.....Like I said before, if Trump did anything criminal with COVID 19 you can bet his ass would have went through an impeachment process since he had to go through two where he didn’t commit any crime. Overcrowded? If I recall correctly, ships were ported, and never used, for any patients. ’Member that?
  13. You are now wrong. With next years 17 game schedule it has to be 20-0.
  14. If Donald Trump committed crimes regarding COVID 19 you can bet there would have been Impeachment hearings over that. If you don’t believe that, you are 100 percent a fool just like Tiberius is. Cuomo actually COMMITTED crime(s). Time to pay the piper.
  15. I posted more. Here's another. Cuomo made millions off his book all the while knowing he was cooking the books. If he didn't cook the books, no millions for him. https://www.google.com/amp/s/criminaldefense.1800nynylaw.com/amp/new-york-penal-law-496-03-corrupting-the-government-in-the-third.html FELONY. There you go. Are you seriously going to argue wording when it comes to Cuomo? Misdemeanor or Felony. Both are crimes and I believe he committed both levels.
  16. Misdemeanor carries jail time up to a year. What do you think about this that was proposed by the almighty Governor? https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-cuomo-proposes-new-class-public-corruption-crimes There are Felonies there.
  17. Here you go. My bad. https://newyorklegaldefense.com/resources/ny-penal-law/article-195/#195-00
  18. Official Misconduct https://www.nycourts.gov/judges/cji/2-PenalLaw/195/195.00.pdf If you need any other help interpreting the statute provided, please let me know and I'll explain....specifically BENEFIT.
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