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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Yep. I was 13 years old listening to the game on my boom box. Was so damned excited to beat Miami! The year prior my brother took me to the game and we watched Dempsey miss a chance to end the streak in a monsoon.
  2. Yes, but only when she is being tased.
  3. Though I feel bad for the fans that liked to go to SJF, I'll look at the positive side....once upon a time it was thought the franchise needed Rochester to expand their regional fanbase and people were probably right in thinking that. Times have now changed. This team is now stable and successful and the future is bright. A huge thanks to the Pegula's for that.
  4. The days of winning a SB with defense are over? Did you miss the last SB?
  5. I'm not the one to ask anything concerning measurable stats. I just trust what my eyes tell me when watching a football player.
  6. Such good teams they never sniffed the playoffs. Only until McDermott and Beane weeded out the non-team players did the Bills make the post season.
  7. I think the kid is going to be a heck of a player and I actually liked what I saw from him late last season.
  8. Said nobody at the time, though you are right at present. Reinhart has been a good player.
  9. This guy was full of ***** from the start. Remember him saying masks were worthless? And don't give me the crap that he said it so health care workers would have enough masks. People were encouraged to wear a freaking scarf if masks weren't available when face covering mandates started.
  10. Jay Cutler looks like Mort from Bazooka Joe in that picture.
  11. The Sabres haven't got a high pick wrong yet. Now, other decisions? That goes without saying.
  12. Jimmy used to be a hell of a bartender back in the day. I think he won some big competition.
  13. Yes. It's obvious his peers voted him to the Pro Bowl in his 2nd and 3rd years because if his cool dreads.
  14. Yes, the Bills should be worried just like the Philadelphia Eagles should be worried about Jason Peters.
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