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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Sometimes it’s OK to spend money on things people enjoy. The obvious place they will build it is the main parking lot right next to field house and sports performance center.
  2. If the new facility is on the same site, or even in one of the parking lots, which I suspect it will be, they will need to find a home for a couple years. Heck, play the games at UB. Only 25 thousand seats as of now but maybe they could expand that stadium by 10 to 20 thousand before the move needs to be made.
  3. Again, HIS CHOICE. He has reached a summit where he can make his own choices and voice why.
  4. Childish? The man is a multi-millionaire that wants to do his own thing. Not hard to understand.
  5. Right. And Cole Beasley is ready to deal with what is coming at him. Why do you have an issue with his personal choice? Is he forcing people to not take the vacxine or wear masks?
  6. There are a lot of people you came into contact with today that are vaccinated.
  7. Yeah, no vaccine and no to being told what and how he is going to live his life. Good for him.
  8. I think you didn't read his message. He does not want to be vaccinated. And he won't be vaccinated. Answer me this....if the NFL cared so much about player and public safety, why did they play last year when there was no vaccine?
  9. So, he should just take a vaccine he does not want to take just so he can play football when money is not an issue with him? Yeah, OK.
  10. Yes. Then fine everyone that doesn't have the Flu shot. And whatever else government and big-business says.
  11. You really may be Sergeant Hulka with the big toe if you can remember that.
  12. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMd2ykQ1x/ Tik Tok video.
  13. Does it really bother you that much? The guy just posted something a Kansas City player said.
  14. The only thing you're going to be pushing up is daisies if you don't shut your trap.
  15. More like whimpy snappers. Now, get off my lawn.
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