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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Why would we strengthen a conference opponent by trading them our backup QB? I mean, we may actually need him this season. People need to stop with these draft day fantasy scenarios. The here and now is way more important than next April.
  2. Maybe he should see Jack Eichel’s doctors? LOL
  3. Eichel and his agents can eat a bag.
  4. Nah. When I see two good teams playing I don't care what conference they play in.
  5. I don’t even know what you are talking about here. It’s not crazy at all. If people bring a prejudice into the jury box the whole case can be decided on that. But we do have what you prefer but it’s called our Grand Jury process to see if there is sufficient cause to proceed with a case. To get back to your point, we’ve had absolute slam dunks of a cases presented before Grand Jury’s where, during the month they sit, there is one person that votes to no-bill all those cases. If that person sits on an actual trial jury, it will result in a hung jury. The process we have isn’t perfect but I have yet to hear of a better one.
  6. It doesn’t matter if they’ve heard of the case or they haven’t. What matters is can they be fair and impartial. End of story.
  7. No? Did nobody hear of OJ Simpson? Bill Cosby? You can hear about things all you want before jury selection. One of the questions jurors get asked is can they come to a just and fair decision regardless of who it is on trial.
  8. You should be able to play college football as long as you want as long as you haven't played professionally.
  9. There should be a new word invented to describe Jim Kelly's toughness because nothing I can think of that is already a word seems quite adequate.
  10. Yeah, I don't see how but this is the NFL so who knows? This screams Commissioners exempt list until it gets sorted.
  11. I've done it before. Been a DirecTv, Sunday Ticket subcsriber for many years. Since AT&T took over, getting a discount is almost impossible and not worth the hassle. 300 bucks isn't going to break me.
  12. The 49ers? Nahhhhhhh. Watch out for the Colts. If Wentz plays well, they will be a beast.
  13. Not worth my time dickering with those people. I'll just pay it.
  14. Went to HS in the Binghamton area at Union-Endicott.
  15. Nice video to look over while I'm feeding my face lunch. Beating Miami anytime is a fun thing. The screen pass was deadly that day.
  16. I get what you are saying but if we are playing the what if game, what if Levi turns out to be a better than average starting goalie or the first round pick ends up being a solid contributor on the team? Then does it matter? I’m not sure it does anyway. Reinhart was leaving after the year ended anyway. Imagine if he played, got hurt, and we got nothing for him? It is what it is. Like you, I am happy they are closing the book on the tank years. (And I was all for the tank) Don’t we all? I mean, I take that report with a grain of salt. Is there really a story behind that? If I was a reporter I could make that assumption as well. I’m pretty sure everyone prefers to see Eichel moved out west.
  17. I am speaking of before the trade. What he does after is out of the Sabres control. Long term or short term deal, there is nothing the Sabres can do about that and there is nothing just like there is nothing they can do about Ristolainen when his contract expires at the end of next season.
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