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Everything posted by Beast

  1. The last time a Bills player wore 32 in a game at Detroit he went off for 273 yards rushing.
  2. Any old-timers like me having a hard time seeing 32 on a player?
  3. Hate seeing Dean Marlowe in enemy colors. Hope he has success with the Lions.
  4. Other than showing all on the roster that, even if you are a starter and not playing, you're all Buffalo Bills and will look the part, I can't think if a reason.
  5. I heard a stat on the radio this morning that teams that have a new HC, in their first pre-season game, have covered the spread 21 of the last 28 games....for all you bettors out there.
  6. Come on, Hap! Get those locked game threads up on the board! You're slipping! It's not officially gameday until I see that.
  7. Read it all. Made me hate Rex Ryan all over again!
  8. I heard @Royale with Cheese and @teef have already signed up to be Inspectors/Enforcers.
  9. She's jumping in the bandwagon knowing she'll get a Super Bowl ring out of the deal.
  10. Nope. I was talking about Joe Cribbs the football player and his ongoing contract dispute with the Bills in the early 80's.
  11. What do you mean. my “sneering” response? That I thought Joe Cribbs was bad?
  12. No, solid player. I'm pretty danged sure Sean McDermott, a defensive minded coach with a defensive backfield pedigree knows a wee bit more than message board guy.
  13. You guys are ridiculous. Levi Wallace is a freaking solid player.
  14. Burlington Coat Factory for me. Picked up another Bills swear top today for $29.99.
  15. No wonder they need a new stadium. Those overhead lights in the tunnel look like a grease monkey hung them in a garage.
  16. I stopped reading when you said McDermott let Robert Woods go. Every single person knows the Bills tried to keep him but his heart was set on moving back home and Woods even said that. He had no ill will towards the Bills or WNY.
  17. Josh Allen will make more in one game check than Kelly did in a whole season with that 1986 contract.
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