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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Russ Wilson or Watson will be a Dolphin next season.
  2. EJ was better than Geno. He should have stuck around.
  3. Well, if it doesn't make any sense to you why aren't you calling for his head? I mean, he was in his mid 40's when he made this statement. It's either he's racist or he isn't.
  4. So, we have a guy that's never been accused of being a racist before. No evidence of such to my knowledge. And then we are going to assume he was dumb enough to put a racist statement in black and white where it will never go away? I suppose.....but after his explanation I am going to give the guy the benefit of the doubt.
  5. Correct. Why shouldn't I believe it? From his explanation I believe his comments are meant that he believed Smith to be a huge liar.
  6. I see nothing wrong with what he said after hearing his explanation.
  7. Yeah, for all those that are idiots I'd imagine your statement would be true.
  8. Back it up? Bring your own beer/booze while being surrounded by people you want to be surrounded by before the game vs. 7 to 10 dollar drinks and who knows what on the menu in a crowded restaurant? I know what I'm taking. And bringing up tailgating at a Sabres game is funny. Tell me when people start showing up 4 to 5 hours before a Sabres game like they do a Bills game.
  9. So, because some get passed out drunk "we" need to get away from the tailgating experience? Um, no. I'll continue to enjoy drinking within moderation like most do, as well as the company and food! And not everyone wants to go to a restaurant. In fact, I pretty much guarantee most Bills fans don't. That has become a big part of the gameday experience. Ever notice all the campers and people having a wonderful time?
  10. OK, so what about that will make the gamday experience better?
  11. OK, so how many years or months, weeks or even days, have you been studying COVID 19, the vaccine, and any possible long term effects of taking the vaccine. BTW, sorry to scare you.
  12. What's the big facination with downtown? What does Buffalo have that will make the gameday experience better than what we already have in Orchard Park?
  13. Sure. So you are saying some scientists are wrong but others aren't. Just wondering, are you, yourself, a scientist?
  14. Scientific knowledge. LMFAO There are so many scientists that disagree with one another on the Covid issue.
  15. @Gene1973 feels the need to disagree with a lot of predictions for some strange reason. Must be a Chiefs homer.
  16. There are people here that would rather have Dr. Fauci as our slot receiver than Cole Beasley.
  17. This team is so lacking talent. Watched a couple of the games on stream and I see no way they don’t finish dead last. Again.
  18. Put an F somewhere in those letters and it’s a possibility.
  19. The first thing he will advise members of the PA to do is quit speaking with the media.
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