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Everything posted by Beast

  1. I have that same feeling. I definitely could be wrong but I think they are going to Nashville with a huge chip on their shoulder.
  2. When a guy is THAT wide open 50 plus yards down the field, the last thing you want to see is an overthrow. Allen, despite what some here think, made the absolute proper, safe throw to secure an absolutely huge gain.
  3. The only demon the Bills need to pound a stake through is the Super Bowl game.
  4. The AFC, IMO, is much tougher.
  5. Just watched it. Every damn time I see something like this and how these players care for each other....and us fans, I thank the good Lord for making me a Bills fan.
  6. I believe that is his opinion and this is a message board to express just that. Who are you to comment on his post?
  7. And, yet, the Sabres have employed numerous first time GM's and HC's so I don't quite know what the point of your post is. Maybe that the Sabres need some old, recycled experience?
  8. I'm really looking forward to this game. I have an unexplanable dislike for Mike Vrabel's face and want to see that meathead leave the field with a big L.
  9. At home? I'd make Eddie Murphy blush. At the stadium I am much more civil.
  10. Where I work, and where most work, kicking a woman’s head in would be grounds for never working in my field again, and rightfully so. Then, there is Kareem Hunt.
  11. The Bills defense had already turned the corner in 1987. They shut Marino out and beat the tar out of John Elway the year prior. Still was decent. Nowhere near the level of Hyde and Poyer. And….Still was acquired in a trade.
  12. Diggs was so wide open Allen couldn't afford the chance of overthrowing him. That throw was by design.
  13. No offense, but when players and coaches around the league have voted Edmunds into the Pro Bowl the previous two seasons, it has been good for quite some time.
  14. People that rag on this kid clearly are thinking of traditional MLB play. In today's passing game, Edmunds may be the best at his position.
  15. How could it be a make up call from the play before? I didn't see the refs gathering, looking at a monitor, and discovering there was no hold by Morse on that play, did you? Just like Oliver's RTP call, Clark's was boderline and got called. We all know the NFL is going to do their best to protect their star QB's and Mahomes and Allen are just that....stars that the NFL wants on display.
  16. I still don't get why posters on a Bills message board hate the Bills so much.
  17. Did he ever scare you throwing the ball?
  18. Beane is a big draft and develop your own guy (Wallace was a UDFA). It will be interesting to see how he handles Wallace. He sure seems comfortable with him (rightfully so, IMO) based in the past couple drafts.
  19. Some were calling for Davis after week 1 even though an accurate deep ball would have put him well over 100 yards that day.
  20. Teams can mimick the two deep but it also takes a pair of outstanding safeties and great CB's to get the job done. Can they mimick the Bills defensive talent. I would argue not many can.
  21. I'm convinced those hits at the end of the game were a direct payback from late in the AFCCG where KC was getting very chippy with the Bills.
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