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Everything posted by Beast

  1. It feels like the Bills are trying to out Titan the Titans. Play your own damned game.
  2. Yep. Attack it for cripes sake. Keep a RB in to block and start throwing it down the field.
  3. The offense looks out of sorts. They need to throw a ball or two down the field to loosen up the Titans. Too much traffic in there pass patterns.
  4. We have Stevenson and McKenzie. Thank you for the memories but pass.
  5. I hear what you are saying and you make a valid point...but to be Devil's advocate, what if a player is legitimately trying to knock a pass down and hit the QB's facemask? 15 yards right there. To me, being punched in the gut or arm doesn't feel any less painful because it was on accident.
  6. Good post, Shaw. I made the thread title off the emotion of what I was feeling but took the topic in a different direction with what I really wanted to express. The NFL needs to get off their dead ass and fix this problem before they have another New Orleans Saints issue on their hands. Having replay for these calls should be mandatory and shouldn't take long to make a decision from abobe. Enough is enough with this crap.
  7. It was one of the worst calls I've witnessed concerning roughing the QB. It shouldn't even be debatable how bad the call was.
  8. Agreed. I made the topic title and then took the topic in a different direction. It is a slippery slope but that ref should not go unscathed and there should be safety nets in place for when these calls take place.
  9. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.saturdaydownsouth.com/nfl/kyler-murray-involved-in-the-nfls-latest-joke-of-a-roughing-the-passer-penalty/amp/ I get wanting to protect QB's but calls like this bring questions to the games integrity, IMO. Any 15 yard plus penalty should be reviewed. Let the ref throw the flag but someone outside of the crew should make the final determination. I hate seeing games get held up any longer than they need to be but is that worse than some of these ticky-tack calls on the QB as well as some PI calls? I'm sure this debate will go on forever but that call yesterday was ridiculous. Imagine that occuring during the last drive of a playoff game? Yikes.
  10. Uh oh. If they lay an egg tonight the comparisons will start with the SB era Bills. LOL
  11. One of the most boring days of football that I can recall.
  12. Remember how we all eventually got sick of John Madden? I'm past that point with Tony Romo.
  13. Baker, Baker, Baker-man. Cough up the football as fast as you can.....
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