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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Listen, when you have a certain someone that strangles the ***** out of every thread with his opinions and if you stray a bit off path you get your hand slapped…..why even bother?
  2. I'm aware of that. My statement still stands. Regardless of being interviewed or not, not hiring the best candidate based on skin color is not best for an NFL franchise to achieve success.
  3. Hopefully. Stupid rule. If a team wants to punish themselves by not hiring the best candidate because if their skin color, well they'll be the one's to suffer.
  4. I mean….shouldn’t that whiff and fall officially close the chapter on the tank era? Comical yet tragic.
  5. The Bills had finally made the playoffs. The next week the offense took the playoffs day off. This coming Sunday. The Bills will have a fun day. When they kill those Jacksonville Jagoffs.
  6. I'm at the point of whatever. A couple decent pieces and a 1st rounder to cleanse the organization. I'll take it considering Jack's, IMO, ***** attitude and injury. I don't look at this as much different than when Beane came in and started trading the Bills more talented players. Culture obviously does matter.
  7. I'm fine with it. Not giddy, but more than OK. Tuch will bring some jam and has offensive skill. Plus, my wife is a friend of one of his family members that live in our neighborhood. Maybe I can score some free tix out of this trade? LOL Krebs is a work in progress but has skill and is a leader. The first obviously remains to be seen.
  8. The NFL should consider putting "STOP DWI" on the back of players helmets and on the endzone endline. Of course they won't when they sell beer and liquor at games and make tons of money from drunks.
  9. Siemian came in after Winston was hurt. Hill wasn't even dressed because of a concussion.
  10. It looked great for President Trump until "vote dumps" (fixing the election) happened. Keep an eye on Fairfax County. We may be seeing cheating happening again.
  11. I prefer open air but the smart move would probably be a roof. Just hate to think of a 2014 snowstorm and 7 feet of snow on it.
  12. Cohesion is overrated on yhe offensive line? LOL, yeah, OK.
  13. I don't disagree but o/line play depends on the cohesion of the unit. A freak pass rusher doesn't.
  14. The Josh Allen Bowl. What gives when two seventh overall picks with the same name take the field?
  15. I actually love the defense. I believe they are built specifically for todays passing game. They are vulnerable to the run but give QB fits through the air.
  16. Oh no. Whether anyone will say it or not, the playoffs are a different animal and the players will be ready after a two week layoff. The preparation will be top notch.
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