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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Want to know something very scary? Remember the Bills run in 2004....then losing the last game? The 9 games prior to the Steelers game the Bills had a +146 point differential against very inferior opponents just like this current Bills team and their dominance of ***** teams. That's why I'm not doing back flips over that stat.
  2. This guy has jumped the shark. He was entertaining at one time. Now all he does is come here, *****, leave, and doesn't come back to answer to his no sense. Ban the turd.
  3. I said MLB. Milano does not play MLB. Again, there is not a better MLB in coverage than Edmunds. He takes the middle of the field away in the passing game i side of 10-15 yards.
  4. Not having Edmunds scares me a lot more in the passing game. There is not a better MLB in the NFL when it comes to pass coverage.
  5. Pretty simple, we either get back on track today or we start thinking about bettering the team in the off-season to compete for a Championship. Four games in a row of mediocre to bad football will be more than a bump in the road. Bills 41 Jets 17
  6. Yeah, because Biden hasn't said numerous racists things in the past. 😏
  7. That just sucks. I really like him as a player.
  8. Isn't that Billstime's van?
  9. He's going to cause more than a couple Bradford INT's.
  10. Is that INSIDE of the courtroom? Are you really as big of a dunce as you appear to be?
  11. Untrained? He knew enough to use deadly force when faced with deadly force. What Rittenhouse was doing in Kenosha was 100% honorable.
  12. We could have used a few dozen more Rittenhouse's in both Kenosha and Minneapolis.
  13. Well, I was just according him all the credit he deserves for his take.
  14. I'd rather listen to Beth Mowins announcing a table tennis game, while I am having a migraine headache, than read your takes about the Bills.
  15. I don't disagree. I'm just thinking of the almighty dollar. So many great memories if that series. What was your favorite execution? I loved when Leotardo got it and his head got ran over.
  16. Yeah, I remember Tony and the guy that got whacked and fell into the train set (forget his name) on the boat and that came up in their convo about what hapens when you die. I still think that if Gondolfini didn't die the possibility of a movie or spin off would have squashed the he died theory.
  17. I think we are all pretty positive that if Gondolfini didn't actually croak in real life that wouldn't be David Chase's explanation. It only took him 14 years to come up with one with no possibility of Tony coming back in a movie sequel.
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