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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Who will be returning kicks? Seriously, I may instruct my punt returner to not attempt to catch a punt tonight.
  2. Why do I have the awful feeling the game is going to be decided on who has the better punter?
  3. I asked you a straight up question. One that doesn't fit your narrative. You are saying the incident with the kid is a gun issue. I'm asking you if it is a gun issue when an officer kills a black person? You can handle sub-topics, can't you? Or, in the below linked incident, was it a knife issue? https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/04/09/300872511/many-students-stabbed-cut-at-pennsylvania-high-school
  4. I want to knock these Chowda heads blocks off and send them back to Bahston with a black eye and a few missing teeth.
  5. There's a difference? You "suspect" the league is fixed. Whatever. Same stance. If you suspect the leafue is fixed and contiinue to watch it and spend money on it.... So then they rooted for a team that won a fixed league. If that would bring those fans enjoyment, I guess whatever.
  6. Why would you even watch the NFL if that’s the way you feel?
  7. The thing I don’t understand….if some of you guys really feel that the refs are out make sure a couple select teams win, why in hell do you follow the NFL? If for even a second I felt the league was rigged I’d dump the sport in a hurry. I’m not about to watch a league that has the same credibility, or even less, than the WWF. Could one of you conspiracy theorists please explain why you are a fan of this league?
  8. Does anyone elses NBC feed freeze for a moment whenever a replay is shown?
  9. I fully expect a thread by Filthy Beast saying what a monumental win this was for the Steelers and how they clearly know how to win in December and January and will probably edge the Bills out for a playoff spot.
  10. I'll be watching the Bucs/Falcons but that probably won't garner too much interest here. Two teams left on our schedule.
  11. That's the way I see it. I think Michigan could make an arguement for #1 but Bama gets it and the committee doesn't want to see an Alabama-Georgia rematch in the round of 4.
  12. That looked like Alabama football.
  13. They are leaving the heat off at their homes and keeping the windows open as well.
  14. This doesn't fit the Edmunds sucks narrative, does it?
  15. You must be looking at yourself in the mirror because I'm sure you have that on your head as we speak.
  16. That there is going to be a remade Happy Days, only with black characters, and he's going ghe be The Fonz.
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