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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Nope. Mitch will be a Pittsburgh Steeler.
  2. There is one person with at least three user names that I know of in this thread.
  3. Alabama just couldn’t overcome their two top receivers missing. We’ll be back next year. Congrats, Bulldogs.
  4. It has always looked that way at Lucas Oil. I don't have a reason why.
  5. Why? Who would be his replacement? Could be a total dud.
  6. In this day and age of everyone is a draft geek, fans don't properly value what they have on their team when they hear draft pick compensation.
  7. Unfortunately, the Bills are not a good home team. Imagine saying that?
  8. So, if the Chargers and Raiders have a kneel down game they both make it in?
  9. Jags have looked good. Could be up 17 or 21 to 3. The Browns are dominating as well but fall apart at the most inoppurtune times.
  10. Since the Bills have played their best ball on the road, being on the road doesn't worry me a bit.
  11. KC beats them 7 more in a row and they the Bills will have company in worst losing streak to a team.
  12. I know it will sound strange but my favorite time of the football season is the regular season. So many games and, except for the last one, you know you will see your team again the following week.
  13. I rarely pay attention to what is being said by the pbp guy or cc during the game.
  14. I love the excuses fans make for wanting a dome. “Recruiting! Who will want to play in these conditions???” Meanwhile, in Green Bay, Pittsburgh, New England…… I would like to see a dome as well but not having one is not going to hurt a team like Buffalo that has Josh Allen and a stable organization.
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