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Everything posted by Beast

  1. This is the kind of decision that fans that don't have their job on the line have no problem making hindsight.
  2. No, he didn't go to Harvard. That was the guy that wears his wedding ring that you are thinking about.
  3. The Bengals beating the Chiefs would not surprise me one bit. In fact, I bet it happens. The Chiefs have to be emotionally and physically spent after Sunday.
  4. Probably will be working on catching his own laser passes.
  5. People should be forced to read the OP's post before posting idiotic thoughts about McDermott.
  6. Corner at 25 would be my guess if the value is there. We will most likely be losing Wallace, White's status coming off an ACL...I think Corner is a safe bet for a first or second round pick.
  7. Publicly apologize to the city and fans? Dude, you have some serious issues. Get help.
  8. Players that want to win will certainly want to play with Allen, or QB's that are upper-tier. However, will the Bills organization take the route of say, the Steelers and build mostly from within and not make any big splash acquisitions? I think Beane will do what's necessary to put this team over the top. It will be an interesting off-season.
  9. I don’t think that’s true at all. Wilford and Ballard left after Polian was fired. The belief of Polian being fired was a clash with Ralph’s daughter (daughter-in-law?).
  10. Sometimes the best coaching job is to be able to sustain an athletes or teams performance.
  11. I remember thinking that Josh Allen had his own chance at immortality last night when he started deep in Buffalo territory and methodically started moving the Bills down the field, in an attempt to win a playoff game on the road in a very hostile atmosphere. Allen not only succeeded one time by putting the Bills up 29-26, he got the ball back again, drove 70 something yards, and won the game twice in enemy territory! Simply amazing! Except for one little thing....his team lost. What Allen did was twice as amazing as what Elway did in Cleveland in 1987. Elway has "The Drive" and the glory that went with it. 35 years later it is still being talked about. Will we (not me, I'll be dead) be talking in 2057 about the night Josh Allen willed his team down the field two times against the Chiefs at Arrowhead Stadium? Maybe. Maybe not. One thing is for sure...if the Bills held that lead? They'd be talking about Josh Allen in the year 2157 and his night in KC 135 years earler. It simply was that incredible. Thank you, Josh.
  12. This isn't the last place Sabres we are talking about. Get a grip.
  13. My hot take: Our d-line didn't actually play as bad as some think. They were putting pressure on Mahommes but couldn't seal the deal with a sack. Not too many QB's have the ability to avoid the rush the way Mahommes did last night. And the Chiefs are our new Patriots.
  14. You know my friend, it is for me. Though I am far from elderly, 54 isn’t young anymore. I felt if the Bills won this game tonight they were winning the whole thing. I felt this would be our biggest challenge. Another year gone and one less I have on this earth to see them win it.
  15. No. If two players are determined to intentionally have committed fouls, there is a 15 yard penalty and the clock resets to what it was before the ball was,snapped. Good in theory but the NFL stepped up and changed the rule years ago. Agreed but let’s end the intentional holding argument. I would have liked to see the Bills drop 11 into coverage. Mahomes would have had nowhere to throw the ball and when the clock winds towards zero bring some of the players you dropped at him. Allow him one play. There was more than one way to skin that cat tonight and the Bills didn’t do any of them.
  16. https://www.sbnation.com/2017/3/28/15066542/nfl-rule-prevent-team-burning-clock-repeated-intentional-penalties In case Jerry Sullivan needs clarification.
  17. Because he turned dead cap off in his Madden game.
  18. Trade 3 first round picks for Watt? Cripes.
  19. The next level I’m thinking about is scoring 40 on a regular basis and not having Allen running the ball like Earl Campbell.
  20. Ah. I’m thinking more of a just flat out track star that can play some football. McKenzie is Hill-lite…very lite.
  21. Do our best to find one in the draft. Imagine a Tyreek Hill on our offense? I know they don’t grow on trees but they aren’t some unicorn either.
  22. I’ll know when it is the end for McDermott when I see it. Right now is not even close to that time.
  23. So, are you saying this offense couldn’t reach another level with our own Tyreek Hill or Deebo Samuel? Josh laid it on the line tonight and all season. As much of a weapon as he is I would be just fine not seeing QB sweeps with him running over defenders. Time to really ramp this show up. We have the best player in the NFL. Let’s protect him and surround him with more weapons.
  24. Honestly? Look for our own Tyreek Hill or Deebo Samuel and unleash hell on defenses next season. This game is geared towards offense so let’s rev it up. Josh Allen is the best player in the NFL. Keep feeding him.
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