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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Used to do it on the street. The street was inbounds and you'd keep your feet in and fall on the grass.
  2. It's a different day and age. Billy Shaw, a Hall of Famer, wouldn't make todays squad.
  3. Bob Chandler.....one of the best receivers this franchise has known.
  4. Give it another ten years. Everything will be freaking you out. Every little ache or pain and I'm convinced is the on-set of something fatal, though I am starting to learn it's just the process of getting older.
  5. That's PERFECT! Though I don't smoke, I love the Marlboro man. In fact, if you go to my profile I have that as my photo for the exact reason you just posted. Brings back memories!
  6. What kind of food was in the Supperbowl?
  7. I was a kid, about 13 years old then. When the Bills fell behind in the 4th by a couple scores I met my buddies and had a pick up game of football in a backyard. I remember his mother opening the back door and yelling the Bills won. We were all pretty excited!
  8. Ejaculating on an unwilling participant is a little bit more than indecent exposure.
  9. That Dallas loss never bothered me too much. Why? The Bills were not a good football team and the Bills were ahead in that game when they were outplayed by a wide margin.
  10. Yes, I agree. I yearn for the days when we were picked to come in 4th in our division and be in contention for the number 1 overall pick. I miss the days of seeing the Bills logo on the right, bottom of my television screen with a 4-7 record, but "still in the hunt." Those were the days!
  11. I hope he does well. Not sure he will but after playing through the injuries he had and the Browns pulling what they did by bringing DeHappyEnding in, I'd like to see the Browns get more egg on their face, though their fans deserve much better.
  12. Of course not but we do know 10 of those games.
  13. For a big extension that's how I feel though not in those exact words.
  14. You just can't make a good comparison between the two. It was much tougher playing QB 35 years ago.
  15. I thought the torch was already passed?
  16. We'll all live. The sun will continue to rise and set.
  17. So, the commie left is not OK with a high school coach leading willing players in prayer after a game but they are OK with elementary teachers pushing gender identity on little children. Shocking.
  18. The Magician. RIP, and thank you for your contributions to the NFL and the Buffalo Bills.
  19. Yeah, I totally read your post wrong. Sorry.
  20. If you think a new owner (not the Pegula's) wouldn't have broke that lease promptly to move the Bills I think you are a bit naive.
  21. I remember the 1973 Bills losing in San Diego. I remember the Chargers cool unis and a damned station wagon that was parked near the endzone.
  22. Ralph Wilson saved the franchise. For some reason, he actually turned over football decisions to a football guy (Bill Polian), instead of a friend. Ralph almost killed the Bills in Buffalo and then saved them. More than once.
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