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Everything posted by Beast

  1. My comment or his that this stuff happens at every high school or college party?
  2. Nah. There is a question of force that would up the ante significantly. He could plea guilty to statutory and you wouldn't be able to charge him again for the same incident. Dotting i's and crossing t's. Plus, you want to put the victim through the least amount of proceedings as possible. I'd be willing to bet this will be put in front of a Grand Jury relatively soon.
  3. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that a thorough investigation would not be conducted. Thanks for telling me. I'll go back to the District Attorney's Special Victim's Unit where I work at tomorrow and let them know we are doing it all wrong. It's nice to know that a direct Grand Jury presentation is not a smart option. LOL
  4. The article says the two other named suspects have attorney's. Araiza must also have one. At least you would think so. How could the Bills not know about this?
  5. You only have a period of time to file a civil suit.
  6. She named three people. It is alleged five raped her. Ever stop to think the police are attempting to identify those other two males? You don't want to put this girl through multiple trials if true.
  7. There were supposedly five perps. She only names three. I'm sure the two unidentified could be a big reason why this case is in its current state. Lab work takes a long time and the police may still be trying to identify other suspects.
  8. You don't. But, not only is she claiming the sexual assault, she's claiming there is an audio recording of a phone call where Araiza admits to having sex with her. That would be pretty hard to fabricate, especially when phone records exists regarding incoming and outgoing phone calls to include subscriber information. Not to mention it was supposedly done under police direction, i.e; controlled phone call. I believe in letting things play out but I also believe Araiza is toast in this instance.
  9. What is Brian Moorman up to these days? We need a holder.
  10. For DWI? I remember nobody. Are you seriously comparing DWI to this situation?
  11. I do too but I'm sure you probably are right. The NFL is a clown show at times.
  12. I'm telling you that two high schoolers under 18 won't be charged unless there was force used.
  13. I'll throw the first stone then. And, not to mention, not knowing a persons age is not a defense in criminal court.
  14. If Beane didn't know what was there to evaluate? I'm sure Araiza didn't come to pre-draft visits trying to hump women at the facility.
  15. I agree. I'm referring to fielding your best team possible.
  16. Forcible rape and watson's allegations are very different. What Araiza is being accused of is heinous.
  17. I hope the Bills don't come out looking like the ***** Cleveland Browns when this is said and done.
  18. I just read the article. She did file a pllice report before this. I can tell you this, with the alleged audio call (recorded) to Araiza, and his remarks from that call, this does not look good at all. Mark my word, the boy is going to get arrested. He is at the very least going to be had for a statutory rape charge and maybe a lot worse. (Now knowing California's law on statutory rape he may have a defense)
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