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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Walk a mile in my shoes. Walk a mile in my shoes.
  2. I'm looking forward to this game. I can't stand that meathead Vrabel.
  3. No, he can't. His holier than thou attitude is pretty freaking stale.
  4. Yeah, and you are sooooooo above everyone else. Get the ***** over yourself.
  5. Because they are playing to win every down.
  6. It was a crossing pattern, not a curl route. You're as wrong as the day is long.
  7. Sorry, that's all on Allen. That still doesn't take away from an absolutely dominant performance by Allen.
  8. It was what we were all hoping from Epenesa, Rousseau and Basham. They all played magnificent.
  9. It's rather funny how Ichabod Crane gets under some of your guys skin.
  10. LAMP's like these are encouraged. Congratulations!
  11. Doubt it. One successful year won’t do it especially after the last OC was hired as a HC. Dorsey will be here for at least a couple years.
  12. The Rams have a likable team outside of that clown.
  13. We all get it. You aren’t saying anything we aren’t all thinking. The coaching staff will take them to task over it as well. However….the Bills were absolutely dominating tonight. Let’s enjoy that.
  14. That was the most physical Bills team I’ve seen since the Chuck Knox days. It appears the Bills now can beat teams in multiple ways. They look down right dominating.
  15. We don’t win that game against the Titans? Why not? Are the Titans better than the Rams?
  16. The Bills just showed they can also play physical football. Look out.
  17. Looking good against the champs. Expect a deep shot on the Bills next series. Everything short so far.
  18. My thoughts are that yhe weather has no effect at all on this game.
  19. A loss certainly wouldn't surprise me. The Bills are still going to lift their first Lombardi in February. That's all that matters.
  20. Taking the wife to dinner at one of our favorite sports bars and feeding my face with bar food and Crown Royal.
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