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Everything posted by Beast

  1. That haircut can’t be helping him. Looks like he went through a nuclear war.
  2. Back in the day he’s get a nice chop block at the knee, from a side angle, the next snap he was on the field.
  3. Does anyone else feel like the Bills didn’t play to near their potential yesterday? I feel we are the vastly superior team and let the Chiefs stay in the game.
  4. I’m sure you were also calling Mac Jones the next great thing like all of a Foxboro was last season.
  5. I don’t know. I don’t really agree with him. What if the Bills just have an off day? I still think, even with a loss, the Bills are going to win at least 2 more games than KC down the stretch and have home field barring catastrophic injuries. There will be a round 2 and it will be in our stadium in late January.
  6. I think we are going to see 9 months of pent up frustration released at Arrowhead tomorrow.
  7. I’m sorry. I was too busy kicking myself in the nuts to take a break to watch that replay.
  8. Did I say I expected anyone to? In fact, did I even inquire as to her health status? Here’s the answer: No and No. Get over yourself.
  9. If George was still alive he’d be calling Aaron Judge “Mr. May”.
  10. Don’t you know we should never ask about this? In particular, if you ask any of your friends or other Bills fans in person, you should immediately be scolded and shamed because you are inquiring about someone’s health that you are concerned about. I mean, how dare anyone?
  11. To me, Mitts looked like he had a strong game.
  12. I absolutely despise the Chiefs and want the Bills to stomp the ever loving hell out of their balls. Is that wrong?
  13. Belichick didn’t have bottom of the barrel QB’s.
  14. Kind of looks like Belichick’s record (72-82) without Brady, huh?
  15. Dahlin. Dahlin started to become a beast with a nasty streak last season. By the end of this year he will be looked upon as one of the top 3 defensemen in the NHL.
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