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Everything posted by Beast

  1. I don’t know if the sneak was the proper call. Why? Because we arguably have the worst interior line in the league. What is the proper call there? I’m not sure. Maybe a quick pitch to the outside? A greater chance for a loss and a safety but the Bills had some success today outside running the ball. Maybe a quick pass from the shotgun?
  2. let’s not forget they beat Baltimore and crushed the 6-3 Titans. I’m as down as you are right now. This sucks. They let another game they should have won slip away. The coaching was bothersome. Allen is in a funk. Our defensive backfield has UB players running around out there. Yet, I still feel they will right this ship. I still feel we can beat any team on any field. Especially once Poyer, White, Elam, etc., get back on the field.
  3. Adrian Peterson returned to full strength 10 months after tearing his ACL and MCL. A kid (WR) that played for Clemson did it in 6 months leading into his Senior year. I guess everyone is different? I hear the Bills training staff is top notch. They received a lot of accolades for how relatively injury free we were last season.
  4. Riddle me this…why do the Bills run effectively to the outside but can’t between the tackles?
  5. How’d the defense look when Edmunds left the game today?
  6. *****…why was I thinking of Barkley?
  7. To be honest, what the Bills fielded today on the defensive side of the ball is not even close to championship quality…though I agree that todays coaching really cost the team. It seemed like Cousins had all day on some of those long conversions. A well designed blitz or two may have helped. Cripes, the Vikings have some play makers on that side of the ball. Just like KC, dropping everyone is not always the answer. Try to help your inexperienced secondary here and there by making the QB throw quicker than he wants.
  8. I never said Allen wasn’t at fault. I’m just pointing out the defense also had a huge hand in what happened today as well as in the past.
  9. And you can’t blame Josh for the numerous 3rd and 4th down, long yardage conversions made by the Vikings. Or blame Josh for 13 seconds in KC last year. Or blame Josh for 12 seconds in KC this year. There is a pattern that is showing with Frazier/McDermott led defenses. Inexcusable lapses with games on the line. In situations that should not be difficult to close out games/half’s.
  10. I thought the Bills ran the ball rather effectively, and not nearly enough, to the outside. They can’t run between the tackles to save their lives.
  11. I’m almost positive Allen tried to push forward before securing the ball. Almost positive being the key words.
  12. I don’t disagree with your take. I just disagree with the regression term. I mean, Josh will turn the ball over now until the time he retires that will piss us off and point to when he was young. Favre also did a lot of that. Regression to me is that he does not have what he has shown for the past two plus seasons. I all think we know he still has that. Heck, his first half showed that. He’s just in a funk and I know you are right about Dorsey and McDermott. Time for them to point out to Allen that he is hurting the team with these decisions. Time for some tough love. I have no doubt Allen will get back on track if that happens. He needs a blunt talking to that he doesn’t have to make an eye popping play every time he drops back.
  13. Just todays performance or are we talking career to date? I’ll tell you this, Josh is in a funk right now and he needs Dorsey and McDermott to point out that taking the easy throw is sometimes the best decision. Tom Brady made a Hall of Fame career out of it. He doesn’t need to make an eye popping play every time he drops back. I get that he’s feeling pressure to carry the team but he just has to play a little smarter and we’ll be fine. The question is, do Dorsey and McDermott have what it takes to firmly point this out to Josh and be honest with him that he is hurting the team at times? I hope so. Josh is an animal. Sometimes animals need to be corralled.
  14. You know, that is a good question. What is also a good question is how does White get into “game shape”? They certainly aren’t hitting at practice once training camp breaks. Will we have to wait until next summer?
  15. Seriously, I can’t disagree with the OP, no matter how many threads are made about the subject. There are too many issues I can point to that come right down to the coaching staff spitting the bit today.
  16. OK. Now I get it. If I took the loss with me for eternity I may leave as well. Nobody wants the pain to last for eternity.
  17. I wonder what your new user name will be?
  18. They’re capable of running the table for sure. But they were also capable of winning our last two games and they didn’t.
  19. OK. They also beat the Ravens. The Bills are in a funk. The coaching staff needs to reel Josh in and ***** learn how to stop long yardage situations on defense.
  20. They beat KC so, yes….they can win those games. But the Bills still need to get it together.
  21. He hasn’t “regressed”. That’s stupid talk. You don’t regress from one week to the next. Did he look like he regressed in the first half of today’s game? What he has done is hit a rough patch and apparently doesn’t have the ***** coaching staff that will reign him in and let him know the easy pass is sometimes the best pass. He’s just been too reckless with the ball the last 10 plus quarters.
  22. How many late game situations do we have to see this defense give up 3rd and 4th and forever? McDermott and Frazier are killing this team. At least Dorsey is in his 1st season at a coordinator position. He has room to grow. McDermott and Frazier are who they are.
  23. He needs to take the 5 yard pass that’s continually open. Defenses are on to him.
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