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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Good. I said it earlier in the week that Allen needs those 7 to 10 yard completions that move the sticks. Beasley will be a key addition moving forward. Not only will he give Allen a reliable target but he could really open up some intermediate stuff in our passing game for Davis, Diggs, Knox, etc.
  2. Why is he a clown? Did he do something to hurt your feelings?
  3. The good thing is Josh doesn’t do 5 thousands jukes in a milli-second like Murray and Jackson…though all it takes is one plant and cut. Ugh. Hate seeing that. To anyone.
  4. 10-3 and the #1 seed feels like warm apple pie to me.
  5. Tua is Tuna. Bills defense feasts on seafood. Miami loses again.
  6. Agreed but it should have been thought of a little bit differently. Beasley isn’t just some Schlub. He is a veteran that was on-board with his QB and could settle down in the soft part of a defense and move the chains. That shouldn’t be looked upon as a job anyone can come in and do.
  7. People severely under-estimated what Beasley’s 7 or 8 yard catches meant to this offense. Instead, all we heard from some was how much his play had declined. Losing Beasley has hurt this offense.
  8. It should be an advantage when playing against a team from a warm weather climate. Just being used to crummy weather should be an advantage.
  9. The Bills defense doesn’t look too soft to me.
  10. He sure did. And he also had 2 other balls you would like to see a high priced TE haul in that he didn’t.
  11. And you are wrong. When were the 2019 Bills ever the 1 seed?
  12. The Bills don’t take chances with injured players.
  13. Rousseau and Basham are playing better than last season, as well as adding Lawson. We added Jones, Phillips and Settle in the middle. IMO, we are much better in the front 4 than we were last season.
  14. What if someone ***** their pants on the field? Then what?
  15. I hope he can now get on with his life and make a lot of money in the NFL. I can’t imagine the stress he was under.
  16. Yeah, we should also not have paid Josh Allen. I mean, he could get hurt! Serious question, do you think at all before hitting the Submit Reply button?
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