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Everything posted by Beast

  1. I don’t know. There are definitely consequences for saying certain things in a public setting. Employers certainly have the right to cancel, or terminate the employment if you wish to call it that, of employees who make comments such as Sullivan did. With saying that, there certainly is a cancel culture feeling about it. If you have followed Sullivan’s career, he has been a champion regarding women’s athletics. None of his opinions have ever reflected or even hinted at being sexist. If they were, people here would have pointed that out a long time ago. Is he a jerk? I think so. That’s just my opinion. And my opinion is also people are celebrating his demise because he’s a jerk, not because anyone truly believes he’s sexist. He made a stupid comment and is paying dearly for it. What do you thing will happen to RG3 for his comment two nights ago?
  2. Yeah, I mean Beasley basically had the same yards per catch last year as he did his last season in Dallas. I guess we should have never signed him to begin with, right? Clearly lost a step? The guys job is to find a soft spot and sit down in a zone the majority of the time. Can you refer to some plays where Beasley looked slower than the year prior? And, if so, how did he get open to catch a career high 82 passes?
  3. How can I carry on after that? He should have brought to you by Cam freaking Lewis below that.
  4. It’s funny, Beasley’s detractors like to point at his yards per catch was down last year. That means he’s washed up. With saying that, Beasley put up his 4th highest yards total last season while matching his career best in receptions.
  5. Are you sure that’s Bruce and Sullivan and not @teef and @Royale with Cheese?
  6. Poor guy. Already in his upper 20’s and a millionaire by doing a job he’s not very good at.
  7. Good. I said it earlier in the week that Allen needs those 7 to 10 yard completions that move the sticks. Beasley will be a key addition moving forward. Not only will he give Allen a reliable target but he could really open up some intermediate stuff in our passing game for Davis, Diggs, Knox, etc.
  8. Why is he a clown? Did he do something to hurt your feelings?
  9. The good thing is Josh doesn’t do 5 thousands jukes in a milli-second like Murray and Jackson…though all it takes is one plant and cut. Ugh. Hate seeing that. To anyone.
  10. 10-3 and the #1 seed feels like warm apple pie to me.
  11. Tua is Tuna. Bills defense feasts on seafood. Miami loses again.
  12. Agreed but it should have been thought of a little bit differently. Beasley isn’t just some Schlub. He is a veteran that was on-board with his QB and could settle down in the soft part of a defense and move the chains. That shouldn’t be looked upon as a job anyone can come in and do.
  13. People severely under-estimated what Beasley’s 7 or 8 yard catches meant to this offense. Instead, all we heard from some was how much his play had declined. Losing Beasley has hurt this offense.
  14. It should be an advantage when playing against a team from a warm weather climate. Just being used to crummy weather should be an advantage.
  15. The Bills defense doesn’t look too soft to me.
  16. He sure did. And he also had 2 other balls you would like to see a high priced TE haul in that he didn’t.
  17. And you are wrong. When were the 2019 Bills ever the 1 seed?
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