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Everything posted by Beast

  1. They need to cut Cam Lewis at the end of this game if not sooner.
  2. Key series of the game right here. Backed up deep with our best o-lineman out of the game.
  3. That’s what I’m waiting on. I wish the NFL would settle this because I’m itching to ditch DirecTv but don’t want to pull the trigger before I know for sure they are out.
  4. Sorry to bump this but has anyone heard about who is going to have the rights to the Ticket next season?
  5. I was hoping they’d get evicted and have to play their home games at Pioneer Central until the new stadium is built.
  6. The day a Bills player goes down with an ACL I bet you’ll be pretty upset they play this meaningless game.
  7. Really, outside of Allen, Diggs and Morse, our offense leaves a lot to be desired. Fortunately for us, Allen is a freak.
  8. Trash the heaters and have @teef and @Royale with Cheese in the first row behind the Bills bench. Those two are full of hot air and will keep the Bills toasty warm.
  9. If I’m Miami, I have some type of package where Tyreek Hill is lined up in the backfield and just hand the ball to him to see how that works.
  10. Waiting for the first playoff game where a QB looks to possibly have an issue.
  11. I don’t know. There are definitely consequences for saying certain things in a public setting. Employers certainly have the right to cancel, or terminate the employment if you wish to call it that, of employees who make comments such as Sullivan did. With saying that, there certainly is a cancel culture feeling about it. If you have followed Sullivan’s career, he has been a champion regarding women’s athletics. None of his opinions have ever reflected or even hinted at being sexist. If they were, people here would have pointed that out a long time ago. Is he a jerk? I think so. That’s just my opinion. And my opinion is also people are celebrating his demise because he’s a jerk, not because anyone truly believes he’s sexist. He made a stupid comment and is paying dearly for it. What do you thing will happen to RG3 for his comment two nights ago?
  12. Yeah, I mean Beasley basically had the same yards per catch last year as he did his last season in Dallas. I guess we should have never signed him to begin with, right? Clearly lost a step? The guys job is to find a soft spot and sit down in a zone the majority of the time. Can you refer to some plays where Beasley looked slower than the year prior? And, if so, how did he get open to catch a career high 82 passes?
  13. How can I carry on after that? He should have brought to you by Cam freaking Lewis below that.
  14. It’s funny, Beasley’s detractors like to point at his yards per catch was down last year. That means he’s washed up. With saying that, Beasley put up his 4th highest yards total last season while matching his career best in receptions.
  15. Are you sure that’s Bruce and Sullivan and not @teef and @Royale with Cheese?
  16. Poor guy. Already in his upper 20’s and a millionaire by doing a job he’s not very good at.
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