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Everything posted by Beast

  1. I want to win tomorrow and next week for one reason only….one less game to get to our goal. I really believe we can win in KC, Cincinnati, Mars or Venus if we have to in the playoffs.
  2. Oooooh, Ahhhhhhh….Sabres on the ***** warpath!
  3. I thought he was going to retire? He must not have heeded the many doctors advice on this board.
  4. This thread is gold. And I’m not speaking about the opinions on Basham.
  5. I remember that game in 2018 when Barkley played and the passing game actually looked awesome without Allen.
  6. Dawkins is getting paid right about what he should be. He’s an average LT.
  7. 4th and 7, season on the line….I’ll take Beasley over either Crowder or McKenzie in the slot.
  8. He has been with Beasley for the prior three seasons and, no….Beasley is not obviously over the hill. I realize you think you can just plug a guy in and it will work. That’s not the way it goes.
  9. I’d rather see Beasley or McKenzie, especially at this point of the season. I don’t want Allen trying to find chemistry with any receiver come playoff time.
  10. If you think for one second the Bills gameplan wouldn’t have changed if Rutledge took the field I don’t know what to tell you. Heck, the Fiants passing game was every bit as good as ours was that night. And it wouldn’t have been with Jeff Rutledge taking snaps.
  11. Georgia is going to steamroll whoever takes the field against them.
  12. Since Rutledge couldn’t throw the damned ball, yeah the Bills would have played the run a lot harder. So doubt it all you want but understand gameplans change.
  13. Remember Seals destroying Hostettler? He wouldn’t have returned. Would have been Jeff Rutledge time and the Bills would have a Lombardi in their trophy case.
  14. What 11-6 team won’t be making the playoffs?
  15. I had an awesome best friend. I imagine we still are if we ever ran into each other. We both got married and had kids and just drifted apart. Life happens that way sometimes I suppose.
  16. This certainly was missed by those paid to look for it but there is a safeguard. The player it actually happened to. I get not wanting to come out of a game but I don’t think the player should be let off the hook either, especially when it’s his health at risk.
  17. They are paying a high price but they can pull the plug at any time they wish. If they want to play nobody should stand in their way if they are medically cleared to do so.
  18. I hope the Pats squeak in the playoffs and we get to play them again. Beating their asses in the playoffs takes a bit of sting out of the Brady era.
  19. Yeah, to the shock of nobody. Someone had to take the fall for the Wilson blunder though Hackett was in way over his head.
  20. 3 INT’s in the 4th quarter proved it to the guy? What about the 3rd quarter when he threw no INT’s?
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