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Everything posted by Call_Of_Ktulu

  1. When we beat the Pats XFL players in the ugliest played game of the year I'm sorry but I'm still taking that as a win. NOT...............
  2. I can already see all the online FFL drafts. Stop the draft he has Covid, stop the draft that guy just opted out, stop the draft that guy had Covid and now can't play this year because of side affects.
  3. If enough players opt out we might see a ton of XFL players on NFL teams. Either way the ***** ***** show that I expected is already off to turd cutting start.
  4. Just one? I would probably add 3 I/R spots and even that might not be enough when you add in that there will most likely be more injuries this year due to player not being in game shape. Total ***** show.
  5. All 3 of the big money ones that I'm in voted unanimously to cancel due to Covid. Everyone agreed that it would be a ***** show, players not ready to play and key players being out from getting Covid for 4 weeks.
  6. I agree, I cannot believe the Jets got that much for a disgruntled safety. I hope Pete Carroll is ready to be critiqued.
  7. The Jets were thinking the same thing with us when we had Russ Brandon, Doug Whaley and Rex Ryan. That was back when we had the trifecta of *****.
  8. You must be drinking Bud Light
  9. 80% Realist 20% Pessimist is about right.
  10. Yea I was never a fan of Gase and I am floored that he got a HC job. I didn’t realize Gase was that bad as a OC but I never liked him anyways.
  11. I remember screaming at my TV for the Bills to draft Wilson. I was pissed for years because the Bills didn’t draft Wilson. Prescott is a QB that I never wanted in the first place but has turned into a solid/good QB. It would be interesting to see what Prescott’s numbers would’ve looked like if he landed on the Jets. Cowboys have best O-Line, Best RB, Good WR’s and now Great. I feel like you could insert any of the top 18 QB’s as the Cowboys QB and they would put up similar or better numbers to Prescott.
  12. Just about every fan from every team has known that Gase is not cut out to be a HC. He is a Slightly better than ave OC as well.
  13. That's weird because 14 people at my work got it just from using the same YPOD/Pipe shed. We had to cover their damn area and work double shifts for a month. Plus everyone is required to take their temp, wear masks and gloves when using a common work area. Not contagious my ass. You probably just got lucky. Or if he dies consider us in another 20 year QB ***** show.
  14. MLB is a total ***** show just like football will be, except I think football will be much worse.
  15. Covid is about to ravage baseball, we might need 4 qb’s on game day. They just said someone tested positive on the Nationals and was around half the team. It will be interesting to see what happens when 15 guys get it and the team has 3 weeks of makeup games.
  16. I wanted us to take Juju so badly that year. I would’ve 100% got a personalized jersey with Bad Juju on the name plate.
  17. I think Zay will be cut and Peterman will be kept. John Gruden absolutely loves Peterman.
  18. If they even have a season I will be amazed. If they even get 3 games in I will be floored.
  19. I'm wondering if the helmets and jerseys will start to look like NASCAR. Or the helmet starts to look like a union iron workers hard hat with 40 decals on it. It's sounds like a great idea and should look really really spiffy out on the field.
  20. I think I’m going to be taking this season off. All 3 FFL’s are cancelled for this year and I don’t want to watch all the other stuff going on.
  21. If we could swap O-Lines with Dallas I would be expecting huge numbers from Allen. Our OT’s allow too much pressure which is why you see Allen step up then take off running.
  22. If the cap does drop down into the 120 mil range I can’t see paying a zone CB a 80 mil dollar contract. Becoming a goalie might be where the money is.
  23. He’s already seen Lamar in that throwing skills challenge. I doubt Mahomes is worried about Lamar.
  24. This is already decided, Allen threw the ball 74.3 mph and Mahomes threw 65 mph. Allen can throw the ball more far’er.
  25. No one can call a Bills fan a asswipe if this happens because we will never have to wipe again.
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