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Everything posted by Call_Of_Ktulu

  1. We do have a midget on the staff, that bottom one is very possible.
  2. When you believe something is unlucky you don't hide it you burn it.
  3. Please fire Castillo at half time, please fire Castillo at halftime, please fire Castillo at half time, please fire Castillo at halftime!!!!!!!!
  4. Our O-Line can't even block to get a ***** FG off!!!!!! Fire Castillo at halftime please!!!!!!!
  5. If Allen had more than 1.4 seconds to pass and actually had NFL weapons I think he would light the NFL on fire.
  6. Our O-Line is such trash, Castillo, Clay and Croom need to be fired. We need a billboard that says fire the 3 C's.
  7. I think Shady has lost a step this season, he can't get to the outside anymore and his burst is gone.
  8. Can we please release Clay and Croom and get 2 new TE's that can at least block and catch. I would love to run a 2 TE formation but we don't even have one solid TE on the roster.
  9. That ball hit him right in the hands, almost want Clay and Croom gone more than I wanted KB gone.
  10. I would rather just use our cap savings to pay off the officials like 40% of the NFL does.
  11. I hope we draft O-Lineman like we have drafted CB's in the last couple of years. I would like to see good starters and solid depth.
  12. With what he has to work with I am very excited to see him with weapons on offense and a solid O-Line next year.
  13. If this is true than he will be more than enough to win a super bowl with the right weapons around him.
  14. I agree, some people can handle drinking 15 beers and others cannot. I don't think no alcohol after the 1st Qtr will work in Buffalo, people will just drink more in the parking lot. Football is getting so close to the WWF I don't know why people are getting so pissed off about something that looks predetermined and fake. The only real way to weed out the bad ones is to have more security and cameras at the games and ban them from future games. When i was at the Dolphins stadium I saw 4 sniper teams there with one sniper and spotter per team. They were some bad ass, mean looking individuals who did not acknowledged anyone as they walked out. They looked like genetically engineered killing machines.
  15. I think this is alcohol related, some of my worst posts are when I'm drinking Jack Daniels.
  16. I wouldn't waste time with any of these TE's. Antonio Gates is 70 and he is better than everyone on our roster at the TE position.
  17. All of our TE's need to be released and replaced.
  18. I will not think any less of Hughes is he just punches one of these guys in the face and steps on their neck. I was at the game and the Fins show all replays on four huge jumbo trons. It was one of the worst officiated games I have ever witnessed.
  19. They missed 2 calls vs the Fins but as usual they made 5 bad calls vs us. Nepotism is the failure of all things.
  20. Clay, KB and Croom should all be released next year.
  21. I was at this game and almost threw up. Worst officiating I've seen in a long time. I do have one question? Are teams allowed to use their stadium sound systems for crowd noise. I looked up and down the whole 300 area of that stadium and I saw nobody yelling or cheering but the crowd noise was loud as hell from the stadium speakers. Plus there was probably 40% Bills fans in that stadium, I thought it was a violation to pipe in crowd noise?
  22. If you have a good pension and life insurance policy they tend to try and kill you quicker.
  23. That kick was the equivalent of patting someone on the back. I think he handled it wrong but he did use massive restraint when he pushed her. The kick is blown way out of perporsion, he basically touches her with his foot. If the pats get this guy I am going to be pissed.
  24. This is nothing like the Ray Rice incident. He gives her a small shove and kicks her lighter than I would kick my kids when we are play fighting. I would bet that she doesn't have one bruise. I do have one question for these women? Why do you instigate the encounter and then keep walking towards the agitated persons. I was once in a bar with the wrestler Big Sexy and I can tell you there is no way I would keep walking towards him if we had a verbal dispute. I really think Hunt has learned from this very small incident and I would bet that it never happens again. This would be a huge pickup for us and would save us a 1st or 2nd rd pick when Shady falls off which I think is soon.
  25. He will be suspended for at least a year, he will be Kapernicked.
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