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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Same. I don't care about MVP either but clearly Josh should be in the discussion. He is one of the best players in the NFL period
  2. Nobody is better than the Bills in the AFC. There are a couple teams more consistent though. Ravens specifically but as much as we rag on Miami they have been consistent... albeit they had an easier schedule but consistent none the less. Nobody in the AFC that Bills A game can't beat though.
  3. How was it lucky and not just good play? Our defense kept them to field goals. Nothing lucky about that. Our offense scored more points than their offense because we scored TDs. Nothing lucky about that. Explain how it was lucky.
  4. I'm still waiting for anyone in the "lucky" camp to answer this. I have asked several times and no one has answered but they keep saying it.
  5. Something definitely been up with Diggs. It's not that he is checked out either because his body language doesn't support that. He takes himself out of the game often. He also got hurt again this game. Something in his neck and ankle. They showed him on the sideline getting his neck checked out and rubbed.
  6. We are already in the playoffs just by winning the last two games. Dallas helps us win the division though.
  7. erm we did win. The line did struggle. They were in heavy sets quite a bit. Even putting a big fat guy in motion. Not many other QB on that last drive would have converted that play to save the game either. Maybe Lamar escapes and does something. Maybe Mahomes could have made that throw. Everyone else eats dirt there or throws an int.
  8. You aren't watching. They throw underneath all game and to the middle quite a bit. Just yesterdays game.... most passes inside 10 yards and most of those inside 5. Most of the passes in the middle third of the field. Again most of these passes underneath Passes all over the field A big chunk of passes to the middle
  9. And so far no one has answered this despite a few people insisting it was lucky... what was lucky? We outplayed them despite being on the referees naughty list and turning the ball over but nowhere in the game did we get "lucky."
  10. We were fortunate because despite the sloppy play we still outplayed them enough as a team to win the football game. There were no fluke plays that made us "lucky"
  11. Ah, I assumed he was referring to the INT. That throw is a different story.
  12. It wasn't a hard throw. Diggs was wide open. Josh just didn't set his feet. If he done so that was an easy TD. He felt too rushed but he had the time to set his feet.
  13. Yeah agree. They used some funky stuff yesterday. They went 5 wide once with Knox, Sherfield, and Murray for instance. Or fat heavy extra lineman put in motion. I like that Brady uses everybody but sometimes you just have to put your best players on the field and use what works. Chargers played us differently though. They tried to take Cook away as well as Josh runs and were using two spys sometimes.
  14. I'm still waiting for one of you to tell me what was "lucky" about yesterday. Was it lucky that we completed a bomb on 2nd and 20 only to get called for a ticky tack holding call to put us in 3rd and 27? Maybe it was lucky we got a ticky tacky defensive holding call on our only INT, taking the INT away. Was that the lucky part?
  15. Wait... is he mad we didn't run the football more? We ran the football 30 times with only 21 passes (most of those which were complete.) 3.5 yards per carry vs 11.1 yards per pass.
  16. How was it luck? You criticized the defense yet fail to acknowledge the work they put in to keep the game manageable and also the offense that supposedly sucked still scored more points than they did. How was it luck? Was it the sacks that were lucky? Was it the stops on 3rd and 4th down that were lucky? Was it luck that we scored TDs instead of FGs? What was lucky?
  17. Nope. Think what you want to. Care to tell me how we got "lucky?" Was it the part where we scored more points or was it lucky that some fluke ass 50 lateral ball didn't work for the Chargers at the end?
  18. I mean, who cares? We did enough to win. A win is a win. I would not say Josh sucked yesterday except the final drive. He had almost 72% completions 237 1TD passing and 2 more TDs running. Did he miss some passes and throw an INT? Yeah. Thats not sucking though. Thats missing some passes and throwing an INT. All qbs do that. The oline is what sucked yesterday. Allowing pressure, causing penalties on big plays and killing drives. This type of thing happens when you are on a short week and have to travel across the country and are playing basically a new team because there are no tendencies with a new coach and unknown QB. As for the defense, I think you are too hard on them considering the players we are missing and further got banged up in this game plus turning the ball over 3 times to them. The defense kept them kicking fgs all game except one TD drive. On top of all that the refs were obviously one sided making every tacky call against us but not calling them for the same *****. You can say we are lucky and think that. I don't really care. Dont tell me what to think.
  19. It’s even less because we had to fly across the country on top of it.
  20. We are back in the playoff spot for now. We can still be there and control destiny after tomorrow.
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