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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. We've had the discussion on this board about how we pulled the runner a few times and it hasn't been called. Florio says that he has talked to some people in the league and unofficially even though its in the rulebook, they aren't going to start calling it now. If you don't want to watch the whole video, you can start at roughly 15:00 mark. I didn't say it mattered. I find it comical the stuff they are trying to come up with.
  2. I tried to look for it in the highlights to show it to you but it doesnt give a good overhead view I seen of it. If I had the all 22 I would show it to you, but I don't.
  3. KC just trying to drum up a bunch of fake disrespect and an oh woe is me nobody believes in us chip on their shoulder. They are using Dawkins comment when he said former champion too. I mean they gotta do something. They been in a coma all year.
  4. I can't say I watched him much but from what I have seen... He has a booming leg but he also sometimes out kicks his coverage and that can bite his team.
  5. This was yesterday but I didnt see it posted.
  6. Bills win Swifties golf clap Nick Wright has a meltdown about how the refs were swayed by what America wants
  7. I thought they changed the rule that a player has to come back from something, or something like that? Looking at the list, I think Damar should have gotten it last year even though he wasn't starter. To me Darnold had the biggest turnaround. Dude went from a Jets bust seeing ghosts to finishing 14-2.
  8. I will also add that their HC is absolutely a guy that can make the most boneheaded decision and cost that team a win.
  9. I don't know honestly. I am kind of just in that "low positive" mood. I had a lot of confidence when we had that Brown, Beasley, Diggs team. We were so damn good and so close. I feel like we are winning with a bunch of nobodies right now. Like eventually having a bunch of nobodies is going to matter in a bad way. I was 50/50 last week and that game came down to the end. I am still 50/50 this week. The Chiefs have been a team that gets by, by the skin of their teeth almost every week. One would think that has to end at some point against them. Both things defy any logic I have so I guess that is maybe just keeping me centered. Two things I will say... We are a more balanced team. That is something McD has fought to achieve since day one. The other is that we have a chance. We are one game away. Can't get there without bites at the apple. This is our second bite at the apple. Go Bills!
  10. Good to see someone who is actually in a position to experience that feels the same as I think I would. There are a lot of people out there saying "everyone hates the Chiefs." I can only speak for myself, but I don't hate the Chiefs. I'm just bored of seeing them. It's like you turn on the TV and you can pretty much just say "we know how this movie ends." When you are at that point and you aren't a direct fan then why bother watching? I only do now just to see if the other team can make the movie end different. I know they 99% of the time won't but that is the only reason.
  11. This is the roster that week. Of note, Spencer Brown, Kincaid, Coleman. We also didn't have Milano back yet.
  12. Not so much that I didn't think other teams or QBs weren't on the same planet. Of course I would still think we are the best team in the league. Maybe I am just different but I'd also be just as bored watching our team all these SBs in a short time span or whatever as I am of the Chiefs/Patriots. I would still want my team to win but I'd be bored of it. There is something to not being entitled or spoiled. I been a video gamer all my life. When I am not challenged, the game is boring. I much rather fail at something 100 times and then just that one time beat it than I would just beat it the first time every time.
  13. It's because they all want to live in this fantasy where they believe that no other team is anywhere in the same universe as the Chiefs. Like sure, maybe the Chiefs are better than everyone else, but to think they just exist in some other plain is ridiculous. They want to believe they can just sleep through the whole thing and still win. They don't want to admit that other teams are even close to them. I'm not even talking equal... just close. Mahomes is just in another galaxy compared to any other QB. They get soft and offended if anything nice is said about a QB not named Mahomes at all.
  14. I think there was someone that posts the w/l stats and stuff of like every uniform combo we have, every week. Never fear! You can decide from there. Oh god. All red against the Chiefs, I wouldn't know what the hell team I was watching.
  15. Complete opposite attitude of Diggs.
  16. I think there was a thread about this that was closed. I wanted to put this here in case any of you donated to that.
  17. I hope he learned from that last TD pass. Giving Lamar 10.3 seconds to throw the ball is no bueno. Nobody can cover that long. That pass rush was the most pathetic thing I ever seen.
  18. Slap some duct tape on. He'll be fine.
  19. Yeah we will also have to listen to Kelce yearly bad singing of "you gotta fight, for your right, to party." He made me hate that song.
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