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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Fair enough on the definition and its vagueness of the award, but that doesn't change my personal opinion on it. I feel that a player should at least be playing and making contributions on the field for their team to have been considered made a comeback. If he wins it great, but I'm not mad if he doesn't. He obviously made the biggest comeback in life but I don't think he has made a comeback to football really all that much other than getting a roster spot on a team with a lack of good bottom of the roster candidates to begin with.
  2. Because he hasn't. MVP QBs are usually the 1 or 2 seed AND statistically leading or at least in the top few. Lamar isn't close to the top in much of anything
  3. I see it from both sides but looking up the reward its "The National Football League Comeback Player of the Year Award refers to a number of awards that are given to a National Football League (NFL) player who overcomes adversity to return to remarkable performance, in the form of not being in the NFL the previous year, a severe injury, or simply poor performance." I don't think Hamlin should get it, personally. It's amazing he has come back but to be fair he really hasn't played, much less came back to remarkable performance.
  4. I dont think it effects either one of their job statuses. McD is safe and Belichick is gone either way IMO.
  5. Yes, if the Bills win out and Cle loses out then we can jump Cle in seeding. The Browns losing out would finish 10-7 while the Bills would finish 11-6 winning out.
  6. This is live right now. Currently Joe Brady
  7. Define success. To me success on first down, or any down, is staying ahead of the sticks. Making the next down manageable. Excluding the last drive where they obviously burned clock and the fumble drive, the Bills ran the ball on first down 13 times. The average first down carry was 4.4 yards. That to me is a success on first down.
  8. Yep. Not only that but I had to turn my sound up to 100%. To give perspective, I usually run my sound at 30-40%.
  9. The Bills need new audio guys because the ones they have, have not figured it out. The audio is terrible.
  10. The Ravens are going to want to win that game for the 1 seed, but also because they lost to Miami the last two times. They will want their revenge. Especially after the lead they blew against Miami last year.
  11. You're neglecting that all those winners were also top of the league in stats. Lamar isn't top of the league in anything. I don't think Allen will get it. I don't actually think he ever will. I do think if Lamar gets it this year then the award is about as big of a farce as the pro bowl. Lamar deserved it the year he got it. He hasn't done crap to deserve it this year.
  12. It would be funny if KC found a way to lose and they would miss the playoffs after all the talk about Buffalo missing. The world might explode. I mean, it could happen. KC is playing like ass right now and the Bengals are no pushover even without Burrow. Chargers can play pretty tough. Never know.
  13. Dude its been broken since last week. Its not something that happened in the last couple days. I use it after the games every week and I couldn't last week because its been broken since then at least.
  14. I didn't even think about that. That would be pretty freaking awesome!
  15. Belichick has mastered the art of low positive.
  16. Everyone would love to see the Bills blow out the Pats this week. For me I don't care about style points right now. Just get the W. Get in the playoffs. Thats all that matters right now. I don't think the Bills will be as sloppy this week, but the Pats do have a legit defense. I've heard some people say this. I don't agree with it. The problem was the turnovers, not the way the game was called. The run game was not working as well this week. Ty was out so that didn't help. The Chargers were prepared for the run game. They also played defense differently than most. Using double spys on Josh and such. Brady made adjustments. Turnovers are not on him. Josh was also a little off to start the game. They also elected to burn clock on the last drive instead of going for the TD. I think they would have gotten a TD if they made it a priority over clock. These guys were not only on a short week but also had to fly across the country.
  17. Same contact the Ravens got to give Lamar a free first down early in the game... no call.
  18. They definitely had a different plan. I never seen anyone use two spys on Allen before.
  19. Deebo is like running into a mack truck lol. Not so easy to just wrap when you get blown back.
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