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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. I've been saying it all damn year and every week people tell me Im wrong. Bass does not have the leg this year.
  2. I dont care what it looks like, by the end of the 1pm games all I want is a shot at the division next week.
  3. Interesting... Chiefs dumming down the playbook https://www.nfl.com/news/chiefs-stripping-down-playbook-to-get-patrick-mahomes-offense-going-vs-bengals
  4. He never left PS. He was just called up. No he wasn't called up this week.
  5. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/nfl-officiating-crew-needs-to-be-suspended-by-roger-goodell/ar-AA1mh9yh?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=7c5b1069333e4d8f9960b741e9d5af6c&ei=13
  6. Bro I was just as emotional and shedding tears about as seeing Kyle Williams and the rest of that team in that locker room as I was them getting in the playoffs. I was so emotional and happy for those Bills that day. I'll never forget it. What a speech Kyle gave there. True leader. True 110% guy every game. That team can't beat us. Only the Bills can beat the Bills by turning over the ball. I don't think that happens today. I think Josh is going to stamp this game and make the league remember who tf Josh mf Allen is.
  7. Its the second last week in the regular season. Only SF and Detroit have clinched the division. Only 3 teams in the AFC and 4 in the NFC has clinched a playoff spot. Very strange year. I believe! Get that dub today Bills! I don't care about style points, just get the win. Thats all that matters right now. LFG BUFFALO!!! BTW, I haven't slept yet and will be staying up through the game. That has only happened twice this season and both times were wins. I remember quite a few anxious people the year the Pats challenged us for the division by winning a game in a hurricane. People were pretty anxious the next game and we beat them. People were anxious in the playoff game and Josh had one of his best games ever. LFG Bills!!! We got this!!!
  8. So that just leaves Hill and Achane I think. They already clinched a spot so they will make it
  9. Thats true but they would have been motivated anyways. Ravens would have been playing against Miami for the 1 seed at that point with Miami being the only team that could really take it from them.
  10. For all the people that crap on Josh over an int and say he must be smarter and things like that... This is the pass you are asking him to not make. A pass he has completed a lot. The same pass that was an int to Diggs. This is what I mean when I say all the time that you are asking him to not make these passes because it might result in an INT once in a while. Well, more often then not it results in this. Hardly any other QB on the planet can make this throw. This is what makes Josh special. Not some pinpoint precision quick read dink and dunk Tom Brady stuff you wish he was but will never be. Same with this... Oh no he threw into dbl coverage!!! This is the play he gives up. I bet you all cheered and were wowed with both throws at the time.
  11. Im more worried about Baltimore beating Miami than us beating the Pats. We will beat the Pats. I want the division.
  12. You didnt even mention OBJ in this dude. It isn't my fault you can't type. I'm not emotional at all. You are the one that has to come to Lamars rescue anytime someone says anything negative dude. You are the emotional one. I don't give two craps about Lamar or MVP. "Flowers is a stud. The rest are meh. I know we had a 150 page on his being our number 2 receiver, but he is not even a top 30 receiver at this point of his career. I’d rather have Davis than him (though hopefully we improve that spot next year)." Nothing in there says OBJ. You mention Flowers. Thats it. For that matter, I would take OBJ over Davis still.
  13. This the first week Josh isn't on the report with shoulder?
  14. Like another guy said, it's one play and not the end of the world. Lamar would many times get out of trouble to make a big play so yeah, that is taking the good with the bad. To act like it wasn't a bad play from Lamar and be disingenuous about it is another thing though. It was a bad play by Lamar period. If Allen did that, I would be ok with it because I know a lot of times Allen also pulls off a miracle in the same situation, but I would still call it dumb. Just take the sack there. How many times do people complain when Allen takes a sack that puts us out of FG range? Its ok for Lamar though? I don't want to take away from Lamar. He had a good game but he was also set up by his defense to win that game easily. Easy drive starts. Like 5 extra opportunities with the ball. Doesn't get easier than that. I don't care who they are playing. Lamar isn't having an MVP season. The season he won it, he had one and deserved it. This year he didn't and doesn't. The MVP of that game was the defense, not him. People look at the score and go oooooo ahhhhhhhhhhhh, but they don't remember the struggles Lamar had until his defense kept giving him the ball over and over in good field position and SF wore out. Despite the record, Allen has had a better MVP campaign than Lamar. That is my opinion and no one is going to change that.
  15. There is more to defense than just takeaways. Ravens rank 5th on opponent 3rd down conversion rate. The Bills are 16th. Ravens defense is 2nd on first down defense. The Bills are 17th. Ravens are 1st on 2nd down defense. The Bills are 15th. Ravens are 2nd on opponent 4th down conversion rate. The Bills are 18th. What does this mean? It means the Ravens stop drives. The Bills let other teams march down the field.
  16. The ref never touched him. I posted the clip you can clearly see the ref raised his legs and never touched Jackson. Lamar tripped on his own feet then tried to throw the ball away causing a penalty in the end zone which is what the actual safety was called for. Lets not mention it was Lamar that ran 20 yards back to the end zone to begin with.
  17. You smokin something if you rather have Davis than Flowers. Flowers is a well rounded receiver. Davis is a one trick pony with unreliable hands. Allen is also a danger to run and while different than Lamar, just as dangerous. So much so that Chargers used a double spy on Allen to keep him contained. Our WR's are stuck to like glue. For your other post, yeah I would take Cook over Mixon all day. However their trio as a whole is way better than our trio as a whole. I would think it was closer if Diggs was having a year like in years past but he isn't. He isn't getting good separation and he is dropping a lot of balls this year that he shouldn't. I love Diggs but he is having a down year... and I mean that from a skill perspective, not a stat one.
  18. Now Allens weapons are as good as Cinci's? Oh hell no. You are delusional. Diggs has played like ass this year for one. You give all this credit to Kincaid who is mostly a short yardage safety outlet in a few games yet Flowers for the Ravens is just a guy right? Cook is good but he isn't yet elite. Your bias is showing hard my guy.
  19. I think you keep trying to act like the Ravens group is garbage. They are not. Them guys are getting open all game long. Every year I have to hear about how poor Lamar has nobody to throw too. All off season I heard how they finally got him weapons and he's going to tear up the league. This year for like the first 3/4 of the year I heard how Lamar has greatly improved as a passer because of his new weapons and that's all he needed. I heard it up to the point that people started talking about him for MVP and showing his middle of the road stats. I said all along he hasn't and that it's the same Lamar and got flack. Now I got to hear again how he has no weapons? please.
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